5 Most Effective Types Of Quality Assurance Reports Quality assurance report

5 Most Effective Types Of Quality Assurance Reports

Reporting is a key part of a transformative quality assurance program. Effective QA reports empower you with different types of data in a fast, user-friendly format. You can view changes in performance, progression of your employees, and overall impact of quality assurance on your team without having to scour pages of complex information yourself.

Reviewing multiple types of quality assurance reports will help you get a clear overview of the quality assurance program’s evolution, providing you with the data you need to make informed decisions.

Let’s explore the five most effective types of quality assurance reports and examine how they help your QA program grow.

 1. Agent Evaluation Report

Agent evaluation is a cornerstone of the entire quality assurance process. You’ll invest time into monitoring your employees’ performance as they interact with customers across phone calls and live chat conversations, and quality assurance reporting compiles all the critical data you need to know into an easy-to-read file.

To evaluate agents, it’s important to incorporate several different contact center metrics contributing to an overall score for an interaction. This demonstrates how effective your agents’ service is and lets you see where issues might be.

Both QA analysts and management should study agent evaluation reports regularly throughout the ongoing quality assurance process. They will identify the impact that feedback, training, and rewards are making on their performance.

2. Agent Failure Reports

From agents on their first day to managers who’ve been with the same company for decades, the occasional error is just part of being human. Everyone makes mistakes, but ensuring they’re recorded for quality assurance reports is key. 

Why? Even the slightest oversight can affect the experience a customer has with your contact center or customer service department. A new employee who struggles to use your database, for example, could frustrate a caller who’s already having a bad day, leading to a tense interaction.

That individual might choose to never call your support agents for help again — or switch to a different provider altogether. An honest mistake can cost you customers. Agent failure reports show when and how employees make errors so you can make improvements to prevent them in the future.

With this quality assurance report data, analysts and management can come together to brainstorm coaching/training sessions to prevent the mistake from being repeated. You can continue to monitor agent performance and failure reports to track the positive effects of the training you implement.

You may notice improvements in customer feedback too. Customers have no reason to rate their interaction poorly if the agent is mistake-free. It’s important to leap on errors when they happen, find a solution, and integrate the lesson into future training.

9 Contact Center Metrics

3. Response Time Reports

Good service is vital to establishing and maintaining a loyal relationship, but few things can sour the customer experience quite like lengthy response times.

More than half (54%) of the consumers in a 2021 Qualtrics survey said that they would hang up after waiting on hold for just 5-10 minutes. Callers aren’t willing to wait for long. The same is true of live chat and email interactions — don’t leave customers hanging on any channel.

A response time quality assurance report carries critical data on how long your agents are leaving people without the assistance they need.

Study these QA reports to see which agents are dragging your overall response rates down and investigate why. Do they lack the training to resolve calls as quickly as their colleagues? Are they spending too long making idle small talk?

Address the root cause and keep checking the quality assurance report data to chart each agent’s development. Streamline your response times as much as possible for better customer experience.

4. Response Quality Report

The quality of the response a customer receives can make or break their relationship with your business. Believe it or not, businesses lose $4.7 trillion globally each year because of bad service. But on the upside, consumers are 3.5 times more likely to buy from companies that gave them a positive experience, according to the same survey.

Customers have more freedom of choice and are less willing to put up with subpar experiences. For this reason, contact center agents must engage customers in every interaction. They have to listen to the problem, identify the pain point(s), and take steps to resolve issues as soon as possible. They should be sympathetic and apologetic, without dragging the conversation out any more than necessary to ensure a good experience.

Response quality reports focus on the service the agent has provided, based on different metrics found in your scorecards. This will cover how your employee greeted the customer, how quickly they resolved their problem, and more. This makes response quality reports crucial to your overall QA reports.

5. Effectiveness Report

Finally, the effectiveness report (as the name suggests) explores how effective the agent’s service is overall.

Checking this quality assurance report frequently will reveal how your agents are improving because of your quality assurance program. Are they making the most of their training? Are customers providing better feedback? Are First Contact Resolution (FCR) rates increasing?

You want to build a contact center and customer service team that’s effective enough to keep consumers satisfied and loyal. It’s that simple.

What’s not simple, though, is trying to do that without studying quality assurance report data or charting development through in-depth reporting.

Consumers increasingly expect personalized service, proactive relationships, and reliable multi-channel communication. By taking steps to deliver these things now, you can help to future-proof your service and keep more customers in years to come.

Aim to keep boosting the effectiveness of your CX performance and gathering customer feedback to know how you’re meeting their expectations. In short, never underestimate the value of a good QA report.


Quality assurance reporting might be a long process, but it has a real goal and a tangible payoff — to keep your agents performing at their best, build customer loyalty through top service, and achieve greater success.

Quality reporting is inherent to the QA program. Every morsel of data can take you closer to creating an unbeatable customer service team. Pay attention to the five types of reports explored above to maximize your quality assurance program.

Looking for a top-tier quality assurance program to implement in your contact center? Request a demo from Playvox and see how it can boost your QA program.

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