How Support Tagging Boosts Product-Support Collaboration

How Support Tagging Boosts Product-Support Collaboration

Every single support leader has either just finished a significant tagging overhaul or is slowly coming to realize that they need to do one. Tags can be the bane of many support teams’ existences — especially if they do the process manually. That said, tags can also be one of the most significant sources of product-support collaboration and whole-company education that exists. Depending on your tagging strategy, the stories carried by those little nuggets of information can be precious.

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t decide to go on a road trip without looking at any maps, reading some reviews, or considering any feedback from your friends, would you? The tags that your team adds to tickets, whether manually, automatically, or through a third-party tool, are like all those input points you have for your trips. They’re what give direction and meaning to your company’s strategy. And believe it or not, they touch far outside of just your support team — they can provide value for every team within your company.

Related Article: How to Build a Stronger Tagging Taxonomy to Analyze Customer Feedback

How Support Tagging Boosts Product-Support Collaboration Support tagging


For support, the product team can feel like a black box — there’s little insight into what they do, how they do it, or what they’re motivated by. It can feel like feature requests disappear into the ether for some support teams, never to be seen again.

If we’re honest, though, that’s not the case: every team within the company relies on the product team for something. They’re constantly strapped for bandwidth and energy.

Tags can help streamline the data points going to the product team to make them more digestible and easy to act on. The first and most important way that they can do this is with feature requests.

Not all feature requests are created equal — sometimes, something that may feel very painful for the customer is still unrealistic by your product team’s standards. Seeing the volume of support inquiries that come in around a feature request and charting them to see how they progress over time gives your team much more dynamic data to work with.

With custom user data within your helpdesk, you can also identify how expensive (or beneficial!) it would be to not build a feature. Estimate the value of a feature by multiplying the number of conversations by the lifetime value (LTV) of the customers asking for it. More valuable feature requests should certainly take priority.

Outside of feature requests, tagging data can also be useful when pointing your product team members in the direction of helpful user interviews. User interviews have a track record of being immensely important when it comes to product strategy.

Encourage your product team to use your support inbox and the tags within it to find the best candidates for user interviews and beta testing.


Your engineering team is similar to your product team in that there’s always a lot of stimulus going in, and it can feel like not a whole lot comes out. With all the information an engineer needs to consume daily, you’re doing them a favor by distilling insights via tags.

Engineers can spend an average of 13 hours fixing one bug — it’s no wonder they’re overwhelmed.

You can help them prioritize how they spend their time with insightful tags about bugs. Tags help you (and engineers) gain a holistic view of each bug’s impact, including how many people had them and how much are each of those customers paying.

Similarly, how long do issues associated with the bug take to resolve in support? You can get a real understanding of the expenses (and pain) behind a bug by using your tagging data. By multiplying the number of tickets by the average customer’s monthly recurring revenue (MRR), you can calculate the potential cost of not fixing an issue promptly. 

Related Article: Uncover New Customer Insights with Customer AI


Many companies spend their entire marketing budgets on acquiring new customers rather than on any other aspect of the customer lifecycle — but repeat customers have been shown to spend more than new customers. Using tags to understand what that demographic cares about can make the dollars spent go even farther.

Your marketing team can look at your helpdesk tagging data to see which areas are receiving the biggest volume of conversations. They can then use that information to direct the content strategy. Creating case studies, blog posts, webinars, and more evergreen content around popular topics helps retain existing customers and encourages repeat spending or word-of-mouth marketing. 

Beyond that, depending on how much customer information you include in your helpdesk, your marketing team can gain insights into the features or specific products most enticing to particular customer demographics.

For instance, they’d be able to see that people on a specific plan regularly reach out about a particular product, whereas customers on the tier above do not. That suggests that you need more content around that feature or the product may drive better retention with that demographic. 

These insights have deep value when determining how to position the product, what content to write, and who they should be engaging with.

How Support Tagging Boosts Product-Support Collaboration Support tagging

Customer Success

Lots of companies assume that customers leave because the service was terrible or the product was buggy — and sometimes they leave because they feel they’re not important to you. Your customer success team can use tagging data to get deeper insights into where customers are having trouble and where your team might be able to reach out proactively.

For instance, maybe you see a significant spike in customers contacting you about account management right before their trial date expires. Your customer success team can use that data to perfect and clarify your customer lifecycle.

Similarly, suppose you include data about the CSM on the account directly in the tagging data. In that case, both support and success can get more insight into how many conversations are getting through to support and what types of issues they are. It may be necessary to revamp your customer success onboarding process or meeting cadence to include information about these hot issues moving forward.

Related Article: Why You Should Stop Tagging Tickets in Your Support Platform

Tags Help Everyone

While it’s true that tagging data is incredibly impactful for your support team, it also improves every other team’s workflows at your company. You’re already collecting data. Now it’s time to make the most of it. Request a demo to discover how Customer AI can help your company move toward a higher customer focus for all.

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