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A Brand New CX Accelerator

Updated: Dec 30, 2022

I can hardly believe it...but CX Accelerator has been a thing for five years. What started as a simple social experiment has made a real difference in the CX space. And the exciting part? We are just getting started.

It's time to accelerate the mission of CX Accelerator in 2023. What mission, you ask?

To equip, encourage, and connect Customer Experience professionals at every stage in their journey.

This is what we've been about the whole time, and will be for decades to come. We create a safe place for those doing CX work to grow and find supportive peers. While we partner with and embrace the organizations and technology in the CX space, our focus is on its people. Our community and associated endeavors help to create meaningful work...and ultimately improve the experience for experience designers.

This work can be very difficult and often lonely. CX Accelerator is here to provide mentorship, open doors to new possibilities, and forge meaningful connections that span the course of a career.

So how are we going to do this bigger and better in 2023? Simple. By extending leadership to several of the most talented and helpful people in the world of CX.

I'm thrilled to announce our brand new team of Executive Advisors for CX Accelerator!


Chief Engagement Advisor: Jeremy Watkin

The Chief Engagement Officer is focused on generating value for the current members of CX Accelerator. This includes fostering regular dialogue, volunteer coordination, and leading our “Voice of Member” (VoM) program.

We'd love to be a part of your everyday...receiving a burst of inspiration and new valuable interactions each time you engage with the community.

Chief Learning Advisor: Jenny Dempsey

The Chief Learning Advisor is focused on providing meaningful growth opportunities and access to world-class content for members of CX Accelerator.

Regardless of which stage you are in your journey, we want to help you take the next step. This includes mentorship, equipping events, cohorts, on-demand learning paths and much more.

Chief Amplification Advisor: Justin Robbins

The Chief Experience Amplifier is focused on amplifying our mission to the right audiences. This includes outward-facing events, strategic partnerships and general reputation management.

We want to celebrate the incredible things happening within CX Accelerator, and attract our tribe of amazing CX professionals around the world to participate with us!


Continuing to provide leadership over the non-profit is Co-founder Dan Brown. He will also be taking on the role of Chief Operating Advisor. Dan will ensure we are operating above reproach and as efficiently as possible to maximize value for our members.

Nate Brown, Co-founder, will continue as President for the non-profit of CX Accelerator. Together we are THRILLED about this announcement and the formation of this team. It's going to be our best year yet! Thank you for being a part and doing what you do to improve the world of Customer Experience!

We'd sure love for you to join us and be a part of this CX movement! It takes no time to sign up and gain entry right here on our community page. We can't wait to design amazing experiences with you in the new year!

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