April 6, 2022

A Beginner’s Guide to Text Message Marketing

a group of people looking at their smartphones to illustrate text message marketing

Text messaging marketing helps brands with customer retention strategies while also showing the type of engagement that separates them from the competition.

In fact, text messaging from brands is a popular option of communication for consumers. Data from Attentive Mobile shows 55.9% are already signed up and 36.1% are likely to interact with the company via text messaging.

Before diving deep into the world of SMS marketing, it’s important to have a few foundational practices in mind as you build an effective text messaging marketing strategy:

  • Get Customer Permissions
  • Keep Messages Short and Sweet


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Text Message Marketing for Beginners Tip 1: Get Customer Permission

Consumers want text message marketing, but you need to ask them first. Asking for their number and telling them why your team needs it is not just a courtesy; it’s a way to establish trust.

If you send them messages without their permission, customers will be quick to dismiss your marketing campaigns as spam, which wastes time, money, and the valuable trust between the brand and consumer.

Text Message Marketing for Beginners Tip 2: Keep Messages Short and Sweet

A crucial trait of text message marketing is that it should be short. People are more likely to read a message if it’s quick to the point and it has a compelling call to action.

As you craft the messages for a text message campaign, put yourself in the shoes of the reader. Will they be convinced by your message? Can they take a quick look at it and know immediately what you’re promoting? Keeping these questions in mind is vital to success.

If you’re including a URL with these messages, you should also try to keep it as short as possible, and it’s important that the URL destination is directly where you want them to interact with your offerings. These actions reduce consumer friction, which makes the experience more enjoyable and increases the likelihood of conversion.


Text message marketing is a powerful tool for getting in front of consumers and increasing retention. By following the simple rules above, you can set your campaign up for success and increase the trust between the brand and the consumer.

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