For industrial companies, product sales and margins are in a declining cycle. Still, owners and executives are demanding growth. Fortunately, aftermarket service revenue is delivering the needed boost.

When customers consider purchasing any service or product, they calculate the value they receive from each option. They ensure that the quantified benefits (in dollars) exceed the purchase cost. For you to deliver this value, you must fall in the “sweet spot” on this Venn diagram:

Shows the requirements to create aftermarket service growth

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For a related article about pricing spare parts, a significant contributor to aftermarket service revenue, tap here.

About Middlesex Consulting

At Middlesex Consulting, we partner with the field service teams of B2B capital equipment companies challenged to grow their top and bottom lines. We use value creation, services marketing, and customer experience techniques to identify and create service offers that achieve customers’ desired business outcomes. To discuss how we can grow your business write to Sam here.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay