The Power of Switching Brand Tracking Providers for Business Growth

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Don’t Settle for Less Just Because Change Is Hard

Change is hard. It’s scary, it’s uncertain, and it’s often uncomfortable. But sometimes, change is necessary. Sometimes, it’s the only way to get what we want and need.

3 Reasons To Consider Changing Brand Tracking Providers

  • Your needs have changed. Your business is constantly evolving. As your needs change, you may need to adjust your brand tracking approach to keep up. By switching providers, you can gain access to new data and research methods that can help you gain a deeper understanding of your customers, your competition, and the market landscape.
  • Your current provider is not meeting your expectations. If you’re not happy with the quality of research you’re getting, or if you’re not getting the results you need, it might be time to switch providers.
  • You are no longer getting actionable insights.If your brand tracker reports are just gathering virtual dust, it’s time to seek out a fresh perspective.

Tips for Changing Brand Tracking Providers

Changing brand tracking research providers can be a daunting task. But if you’re not happy with your current provider, it might be the best thing for your business. By following these tips, you can make the process a little bit easier:

  • Start small. Don’t try to change everything at once. Start with one piece of your tracking program, and then build from there. Don’t change how you measure your key metrics all at once without a plan to relate them back to your existing data.
  • Run the new program in parallel to the old program. If you’re changing market research providers, you may be worried about losing the ability to trend new data to historical data. Consider running the first wave of a new program in parallel to the final wave of the old program. This could be by having your existing provider run one last wave at the same time that your new provider runs the first wave of their program.If you find this option too expensive, consider having the new market research provider copy the old provider’s process and measurements, and then adding changes to the survey. For example, if you wanted to change how one key metric was asked, you could put both the new and old versions in the same survey to see how the results on the two relate to one another. This will allow you to understand how to trend the new data back to the old.
  • Be bold. Just because you’ve always done things a certain way, doesn’t mean that way serves you well. Don’t be afraid to ask or analyze things differently so that you can uncover more useful,actionable insights

Change is hard. It can be scary, uncertain, and uncomfortable. But sometimes, change is necessary. Sometimes, it’s the only way to stay ahead of the competition and keep your business growing. Want to learn more about how Sago Strategy + Insight can help ease your transition into a new brand tracking program that provides better insights for action? Reach out to [email protected]

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