7 Statistics that Show the High Cost of Siloed Communications


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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

In two new research notes, industry analysts warn about the negative impact disparate communication and collaboration tools are having on not just the employee experience – but the customer experience, as well. Constellation Research VP and Principal Analyst Dion Hinchcliffe in a recent blog post notes “our research over the years has shown that the digital communications experience has grown ever more fragmented and complex, to the considerable detriment of effective engagement and collaboration both between workers and between them and other key stakeholders such as customers or partners/suppliers.”

In The ROI of Uniting Unified Communications and Contact Center, Aberdeen VP and Principal Analyst Omer Minkara specifically defines what this means for the contact center and a brand’s customer experience. Pointing to a recent survey of more than 300 organizations, Minkara has found that “the lack of effective technologies agents need to do their jobs is the number one cause for poor agent productivity and performance.

“When agents spend more time looking for information or try to find subject-matter experts (SMEs) to help address an issue, the customers are more likely to get frustrated due to lengthened wait time in addressing their needs. Some of these frustrated customers will likely stop doing business with the company — further increasing the cost of poor agent productivity.”

What is this costing organizations overall? Here are seven statistics that show the high time-is-money impact of siloed communications:

1. The average team uses 6 approaches to support project collaboration and at least 4 different communication tools. 48% of organizations say their top collaboration hurdle is ineffective communication between team members. – Source: Planview Everyone is a Project Manager Study

2. The average team wastes more than 20 hours per month due to poor collaboration and communication. That’s 6 workweeks per year that teams are not being productive. – Source: Planview

3. In North America specifically, collaboration and communication silos cost even more: 7 hours per week totaling more than 350 hours per year. – Source: Planview

4. 54% of organizations report their customer experience operations are managed in silos. Only 33% of customer experience professionals say they can actively communicate and collaborate across teams to drive improved CX. – Source: Dimension Data CX Benchmarking Report. P.S. According to VisionCritical, the overall impact of bad customer experiences in the US alone is $537B.

5. Siloed contact center agents spend 15% of their time each day trying to navigate communication hurdles to get information to serve customers. – Source: The ROI of Uniting Unified Communications and Contact Center, Aberdeen

6. A 200-agent contact center loses $1.5M in labor costs annually because of siloed communications. – Source: Aberdeen

7. 87% of employees think leaders should reconsider the way they think about technology in the workplace, and 84% say businesses are missing opportunities by not moving to more modern solutions. – Source: Workfront 2020 State of Work Report

To read about the benefits of consolidating communication and collaboration silos, read Dion Hinchcliffe’s research note, Reducing Team Communications Silos for Better Worker ROI here.

Tricia Morris
Tricia Morris is a product marketing director at 8x8 with more than 20 years of experience at technology companies including Microsoft and MicroStrategy. Her focus is on customer experience, customer service, employee experience and digital transformation. Tricia has been recognized as an ICMI Top 50 Thought Leader, among the 20 Best Customer Experience Blogs You Must Follow, and among the 20 Customer Service Influencers You Must Follow.


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