Your customers buy products like the ones you manufacture because they have a limited number of outcomes they must achieve. Furthermore, you and most of your competitors’ products can deliver these outcomes at approximately the exact cost. The big question then is, “why do they choose one of the products over all others?” To find out why aftermarket service is the primary differentiator, read the whole post here.

This post appeared on Thomas Industry Update on December 13, 2022. Click here to read the complete article.

Related post: Differentiation – Copy, Innovate, or Blend?

About Middlesex Consulting

Middlesex Consulting helps our B2B product manufacturing clients grow their services revenue and profitability by applying the methodologies and techniques associated with Customer Value Creation and Customer Experience professions to assist its clients in designing and commercializing new services and the associated business transformations. Contact Sam here.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay