How many hours do you think your call center agents spend answering repetitive, transactional calls that don’t require human assistance? The answer may surprise you - 75% of customers think that calling is the most effective way to get a response from you, which means your agents are spending potential 30 hours/week on repetitive calls instead of more complex issues that do require human judgment and critical thinking.
Unsurprised? Then you're probably well aware of the potential for using conversational AI to manage the calls that can be answered easily and quickly. If you're not already using conversational AI, then you may be on the fence regarding their usefulness in the field, or perhaps you're unsure about how to implement it at your company.
If this is a situation can you relate to, then join us for this in-depth conversation with TechStyle Fashion Group, as they openly discuss their decision to go virtual, and the challenges they faced along the way as they dabbled with both building the omnichannel self-service platform themselves, and outsourcing the design to a partner. You will learn:
- What factors went into TechStyle's first decision between tackling internally or outsourcing to a partner
- How TechStyle saved $1.1M in their first year afterwards
- Why the performance of TechStyle's virtual agents rivals that of live agents
And more! Today, TechStyle Fashion Group automates millions of calls and chats each year with conversational AI. If you're ready to learn more about how you can do the same, then don't miss this webinar!
April 15th, 2020 11:00 AM PDT, 2:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM GMT
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