Celebrating a year of transformation


2019 has been a year of transformation for Hero Digital. We reimagined how we work, how we deliver for clients, and how we present ourselves to the world. We are working towards our goal of building beautiful experiences that have a positive impact on people’s lives and the businesses we serve.

And now, I simply want to celebrate what we have achieved together. 

David Kilimnik, CEO

Celebrating a new connected purpose.

On October 24th, we officially unveiled our new look and brand purpose: to bring moments of Truth & Beauty into people’s lives. A year in the making, this was an important moment of evolution, where we re-expressed our purpose, our offerings, and our value system. We created an offering that serves our clients throughout the arc of their needs: from the crafting of a fresh idea, through to the full operation and execution of the experience.   




As an expression of who we are as a company now and in the future, we rallied around three defining values of Hero Digital.




Celebrating connected momentum.

Today we are made up of 400+ creators, innovators, and leaders who deliver inspiring work for clients and contribute to one collective. Our efforts to create a workplace of all backgrounds continued, yielding a 50/50 gender balance through our inclusion and diversity efforts. 

We welcomed Bulldog, expanding our national reach and bolstering our B2B campaign and martech expertise. We continued the integration of Clock Four: uniting the SF team with our Spear Street office, opening a Minneapolis location, and growing the New Jersey team. 

We strengthened the reach of our leadership team. Patrick Frend, Hero’s first company President, joined to drive our client portfolio. Arun Kumar, as SVP, took the lead on strengthening our Data & Insights offerings nationwide.   

Celebrating connected client work.

We created powerful and purposeful work for clients across industries, regions and offerings:

Crafted the platform of a “Forever Agent”

Hero West
Offering: Transform

Pushed the power of owned data to close customer leads

Hero Central
Offering: Perform

Built a seamless, intuitive payment platform

Hero East
Offering: Transform/Perform

Celebrating connected teams and talent.

Hero also took home honors across leading industry organizations that highlighted our growth and client work. We placed in the inaugural class of Adweek’s 100 Fastest Growing Agencies List, landed in the top 30% of the Inc 5000 Most Successful Company List, and named one of Chief Marketer’s Top Marketing Agencies of 2020. We also received accolades for our work, including Personalization Agency of the Year, top eHealthcare Leadership Awards, and the Acquia Engage Leader of the Pack Award

This is an impressive list of awards and accolades, which would not have been possible without the creativity and dedication of every employee at Hero.

And last, celebrating the season of giving together.

In the spirit of living out our mission, we’ve forgone the end of year client gift and directed our resources for good in the world. This year, we made a donation on our client’s behalf, in order to support women around the world who need our help the most. Through our partnership with Kiva, the world’s largest loan crowdfunding platform for social good—we learned that only 27% of women around the world have access to fair credit.

Our donation to this organization will fund female entrepreneurs who are starting businesses, going to school, and investing in the health of their communities and families. We will share with you the stories of those we were able to assist in the coming year.

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