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Turn Customers Into Fans With Help From a CX Rockstar

CSM Magazine

Agents working from home and changes in customer expectations are just two of the challenges that organisations face. Ed Creasey of Calabrio discusses how successful Customer Service Managers can boost their skills to deliver exceptional customer experience (CX) in extraordinary times. Good communication is key.

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Shredding the CX Scene with Rockstar James Dodkins


Listen and subscribe to our podcast: In this episode of the Customer Service Secrets Podcast, Gabe Larsen is joined by James Dodkins , who is a retired heavy metal rockstar and CX expert. His experiences touring the world ignited his passion for helping businesses show up for their customers.

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How to Create a Rockstar Customer Experience with James Dodkins


Listen and subscribe to our podcast: In this episode of Customer Service Secrets , Gabe Larsen is joined by James Dodkins to explore a new way of creating a powerful customer experience. With a unique background, James has made himself into a prominent figure in the customer service world. The Role of Compensation in PXR.