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60+ Stress Survey Questions for Employees & Students


Last Updated:  

7 June 2024

6 min read

Did you know that a staggering 77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms of stress? Alarmingly, 73% complain of mental health issues like anxiety and irritability, according to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association.

And it doesn’t stop there—42% of Americans say that stress has caused them to lose sleep, while 33% have revealed that their eating habits have also changed when they are under stress. Whether cramming for exams or juggling work deadlines, stress can creep up on us and take its toll on our health. We all face it, but in different modules and volumes.

So, what can we do about it?

First and foremost, we must take mindful measures without having to mess with our mental health anymore. To do this, we need to assess our stress levels better, understand the underlying causes, and identify effective solutions. By mastering stress management, we can navigate challenges more effectively and maintain our well-being.

How can we do it?  Stress Surveys! 

Stress survey questions help you quickly assess and analyze the overall stress levels of your employees and students, as well as the type of stress they face regularly.

Here are the two categories of stress survey questions we cover in this article; feel free to jump to the relevant section:

30+ Stress Survey Questions for Employees

Here are the top job stress survey questions to include in your work stress assessment questionnaire for employees:

  • How satisfied are you with the amount of control you have over the work you do?

This question makes the employee analyze their autonomy over their work. High levels of control can lead to increased job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity, as employees feel empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their tasks. Conversely, low levels of control can result in frustration, decreased motivation, and a sense of helplessness, negatively impacting overall well-being.

  • Do you feel like you can speak honestly about your issues in the workplace?

When employees feel open and safe, they are more honest about their work-life culture and the experience they gauge from the workplace. These questions will help the organization understand how comfortable and open the employees are. This way, organizations can make necessary changes and encourage a better work environment that fosters honest communication.

  • The number of meetings I attend gets in the way of my ability to do my work.

Most employees face a major time bottleneck, which they devote to never-ending meetings and the short time they run to collect actual tasks. This question will analyze the major disruptions caused by meetings and how productivity is at stake with frequent and enduring meetings. A balanced meeting approach can help maintain productivity and reduce stress, allowing employees to focus on their core responsibilities.

  • I feel highly stressed from my job.

This question directly measures an employee’s overall stress levels while in employment. With honest responses, management will be able to understand the sources of stress, allowing employers to implement strategies to reduce stress, such as workload adjustments, mental health support, and creating a more supportive work environment.

  • How often do you feel stressed from your job?

This question in the survey measures the frequency of stress levels. Frequent stress can indicate underlying issues such as a high workload, poor work-life balance, or lack of support. Addressing these issues will lead to a healthier workplace with improved job satisfaction and well-being.

Before you read further, we want you to try an employee stress survey template we created for you.

To use the above free template, signup here…

Stress and Relaxation

  • How difficult do you find it to relax after a long work day?
  • How frequently do you struggle to feel relaxed?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your work stress level?
  • How long have you been feeling stressed at work?
  • Do you generally feel stressed out?

Work Satisfaction and Engagement

  • How interesting do you find your work?
  • Does the amount of work assigned to you seem appropriate?
  • Are the number of hours you work manageable?
  • Are the targets given to you achievable?
  • Are you satisfied with the pace of your work?

    Work-Life Balance

  • Do you get enough time to relax and rest outside of work hours?
  • Have you found a good work-life balance
  • How much time do you have for personal hobbies?
  • To what extent do you feel you have a say in the work you do?
  • How adequate is the time you have to complete all your tasks?

Resources and Support

  • Do you have everything you need to perform your job properly?
  • What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?
  • What aspects of your job do you find stressful?
  • Physical and Emotional Well-being
  • How often do you experience headaches?
  • Do you frequently feel fatigued?
  • How often do you feel irritable?
  • Have you noticed a loss of appetite recently?
  • Do you find yourself feeling overly sensitive?
  • Are you suffering from insomnia?
  • Do you feel anxious while working?
  • Have you been feeling depressed?
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Overall Experience

  • How likely will you recommend employment here to a friend or family member?

30 Stress Survey Questions for Students

Navigating the world of assignments, exams, and endless deadlines, it’s all too easy for stress to build up—sometimes without us noticing. It can quickly grow from a whisper in the back of our minds to a barrier that affects our well-being and academic performance.

However, the first step to managing stress is often recognizing its presence and understanding its roots. Recognizing this, we’re here to offer a gentle hand through our Student Stress Questionnaire Template. This isn’t just another form to fill out. It’s a gentle nudge towards acknowledging and addressing the stress that so many students face, often in silence.

Use this template for free.

Student Stress Questionnaire Template

With thoughtful questions designed to illuminate the nuances of your stressors, this template can help pave the way for meaningful change. It’s here to help you or someone you care about take that all-important step back, breathe, and start to untangle the complexities of student stress.

We understand that tackling mental health is no small feat, and it’s crucial to approach it with care, understanding, and empathy.

Here are the stress survey questions to ask in your student stress survey questionnaire:

  • What is your current class level?
  • How stressed did you feel daily during the academic year?
  • What are some common causes of stress in your academic life?
  • Do you find it difficult to pay attention in class?
  • Do you fully understand what your teacher teaches?
  • Are you confident in your ability to do well in school?
  • How is your school attendance?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework you have?
  • Do you have too many assignments to complete?
  • Are you often late for class?
  • Do you feel there is too much competition to get good grades and a good job?
  • How much pressure do you feel from exams and assignments?

Financial Concerns

  • Do you receive enough pocket money?
  • Do you have enough money for your basic needs?
  • Do your parents control how much money you spend?

Social and Emotional Well-being

  • How often do you have trouble getting along with your family and friends?
  • Can you rely on your friends for support?
  • How frequently do you feel lonely?
  • What makes you feel insecure due to competition?
  • How much time do you have for physical activities?
  • Have you noticed any recent changes in your weight?
  • Are there changes in your sleep patterns, such as feeling more tired or sleeping more/less than normal?
  • How often do you feel sad or depressed?
  • Do you feel that nobody cares for you?
  • Have you lost interest in activities you once enjoyed?

Stress Experience and Coping

  • How do you experience stress? Describe the feelings and sensations you have while stressed.
  • What are your methods for relieving stress?
  • How well do you think you cope with the stress you experience?
  • What are the things that stress you the most in your current academic context?
  • What are the common psychological effects of stress you’ve noticed?
  • What could our university do to help lower your stress?

This set of questions would do for those seeking an uncomplicated approach to grasping student stress.

Final thoughts

Now that you have a handful of stress survey questions to choose from, the next step is to choose the right survey tool that encourages employees to open up.

The conversational survey approach is the key here. I will tell you why!

When it comes to stress surveys, it’s essential to make sure that these surveys are engaging, real, and comfortable enough so that they can comprehend well about their stress and anxiety. Instead of a plain impersonal survey, opting for one that is personal, empathetic, and conversational caters to pleasant experiences boosting high survey response rates. . And that’s where tools like SurveySparrow excel.


When done right, these questions about stress can help you accurately assess how stressed your employees and students are and come up with plans to combat stress at your workplace or school.

And, the right way to do it? SurveySparrow!

Happy Surveying.

We hope this article will help you create an effective stress survey questionnaire.

Are you looking to create stress questions or conduct surveys to measure stress? SurveySparrow provides you with everything you need to create and conduct a conversational stress survey questionnaire!

Conversational stress management questions typically tend to boost survey responses and create pleasant experiences. Most of your employees or students will complete your survey as they would be pleased to take surveys that are conversational in nature.

These surveys are different from the long, boring forms they’ve gotten to see on the internet.

SurveySparrow provides you with a simple drag-and-drop interface and a free stress survey questionnaire template.

If you’re looking to boost your stress survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!

Have you got any questions on creating stress survey questionnaires? Got any interesting tips or hacks for creating an effective stress survey questionnaire? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!


I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.


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