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How to Create Google Forms in 2024 [Updated]

Kate Williams

Last Updated:  

31 May 2024

5 min read

Can anyone create Google forms? The answer is yes.

To create a survey in Google Forms, you don’t need to know any coding whatsoever. All you need is a Google account.

With that, let’s get started. Here’s your guide on how to create a Google Form in 2023.

How to Create Google Forms: In 10 Steps

How to open a Google form
All you need is a Gmail account to access Google Drive. Click on the New Button in Drive to access Google Forms

First, log in to your Google Drive or the Google Forms app. Let’s begin!

  • Step 1: Click on the +New button.
  • Step 2: Select Google Forms.
  • Step 3: Choose from the options: Blank form, Blank quiz, or Template. For our purpose, we will choose a Blank form.
  • Step 4: An Untitled form opens up. You can add a title and description.
How to add a question in Google forms
In Google Forms, there’s a dropdown next to each question that allows you to change the format.
  • Step 5: Under it, you will see an Untitled Question. You can choose from different formats, including multiple-choice, file uploads, dropdown, and more.
  • Step 6: Click, drag and drop to rearrange the question order.
Google Forms file upload question
With Google Forms File Upload question type, you can allow specific file types and set the maximum file size.
  • Step 7: Use the File upload question to let people upload specific file types to your Drive. Respondents can upload a maximum of 10 files up to 10 GB depending on the form limits.
  • Step 8: To copy a question, click on the Duplicate icon on the right-lower side. You can use this option if you plan to use this same format for the next question.
  • Step 9: To remove questions, click the Delete icon.
  • Step 10: If you want to make the question mandatory, adjust the Required toggle as shown in the GIF.

And your survey is ready for all the bells and whistles!

However, Google Forms doesn’t provide much freedom in terms of personalization or advanced data collection features. If you’re looking for a more pleasing alternative, give SurveySparrow a try.

Google Forms alternative: SurveySparrow
Survey customization in SurveySparrow. Looks much better, doesn’t it?

How to Customize a Google Form Layout

On the right side of the question, you will see a floating toolbar that includes the following options:

  1. Add question – This is for adding a new question.
  2. Import questions – This is for importing questions from a previous Form.
  3. Add title and description – Use this to introduce a new set of questions.
  4. Add image – This enables you to add a relevant image. You can choose to upload a picture, use your webcam, insert from a URL or plug one in directly from Google Drive or search.
  5. Add video – Unfortunately, you are only allowed to add videos from YouTube.
  6. Add section – This is used to break long forms into different sections and parts.
How to customize Google Forms layout
Click on the paintbrush icon to open customization options for your Google Form survey

Additionally, there’s a Customize theme icon on the top right. You can click this to add a little spice to your survey. The four options available include:

  1. Header – You can upload an appropriate header image for the survey.
  2. Theme color – Pick one of the options available or add a custom color.
  3. Background color – You can insert a suitable background color according to your preference.
  4. Font style – This lets you change the font.

Google Forms: Settings You Should Know About

#1. Preview

Next to the Customize themes icon, you will find an icon for Preview.

  • This creates a working link to the form in a new tab.
  • After filling this form, you can click Submit. The response will be recorded.
  • If you choose to submit the sample form, it may hamper your final result, as all the Google surveys add up to the total result.

#2. Settings

Three modes are available as of now – General, Presentation, and Quizzes.

1) The General mode lets you save individual email addresses. You can also limit the number of responses to one. Submission editing and summaries can be enabled or disabled.

2) In Presentation, progress bar, question order shuffling, and a link to submit other responses can be enabled or disabled. In addition, you can also write a confirmation message, such as, ‘Thank you for your response,’ ‘Your response is submitted,’ etc.

3) In Quizzes mode, there is a toggle to change the form into a quiz. It also lets you see the participant’s progress with missed questions, correct answers, and answer grading.

#3. Survey Share Options

When we hit Send, three options appear.

  • In Email, you can send the form to individual email ids, along with the subject and a message.
  • Link – This generates a link to the survey, which can be shortened to comply with character limits.
  • Embed HTML – This option generates a code snippet to display the form on a webpage. Any person visiting the webpage can fill this form. However, Google Forms won’t let you use Embed HTML if your survey has a File Upload question.
  • Additionally, you can share the form on Facebook and Twitter.
Google forms settings
In Google Forms settings, you can choose to share the survey as General, Presentation or Quizzes.

#4. Responses

Under Responses, we can:

  • See the number of answers to individual questions in the Summary.
  • In the Question section, you can see the individual answers to a particular question.
  • In Individuals, you can view the complete set of responses from each individual.
  • Clicking on the Create spreadsheet icon lets you export the answers to a Google Sheet.
  • A toggle for accepting responses is also present. You can turn it off to stop taking any more responses.

Google Forms Features – Pros and Cons

Let’s do a quick recap of the benefits of Google Forms.

  • It is one of the best free tools to create polls, surveys or quizzes.
  • It provides unlimited forms.
  • Google Forms are shareable through email, embeds, shortcodes and social media.
  • You can smoothly export the data and do analysis in Google Sheets.
  • It is mobile friendly and accessible from anywhere.
  • Google Forms offers a respectable set of customization options.
  • You Google forms is accessible only through your Google account, which makes it safe and secure.

On the downside, Google Forms doesn’t offer that many customizations to play around with, and its survey share options are limited. And to be honest, it’s kinda boring.

If you’re looking for Google Forms alternatives for these reasons, feel free to check out SurveySparrow. It lets you roll out NPS surveys, customer feedback surveys, employee satisfaction surveys, and a lot more.

You can sign up below to try out all of our features – and we mean all of them – for 14 days, absolutely free.

Wrapping Up

Though Google Forms has some limitations, it is one of the best free online survey tools for your basic survey needs.

We hope this guide to create Google Forms has all the information you need to get started. Happy surveying!

Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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