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Top 10 SurveyKing Alternatives You Need to Know in 2024

Kate Williams

Last Updated:  

30 May 2024

6 min read

You’ve got an eye for great tools like SurveyKing! No doubt, it’s fantastic, but what if I told you there’s a whole universe of survey software waiting to be explored? Brace yourself for an exhilarating adventure where we dive into the world of SurveyKing alternatives. 

Together, we’ll unveil hidden gems and uncover survey tools that not only match SurveyKing but also add a touch of uniqueness to make your survey experience truly extraordinary. Get ready to embark on an exciting quest as we seek out the perfect survey tool that will leave you amazed and inspired!

Well, buckle up! We’re embarking on a quest to discover the top 10 SurveyKing alternatives.

1. SurveySparrow: The Conversationalist


Forget about old-school, yawn-inducing surveys! SurveySparrow turns surveys into interesting conversations. Imagine chatting with a friend who’s keen to know your views. That’s SurveySparrow for you! Plus, with their engaging dashboards and 360-degree feedback feature, you’re not just collecting data; you’re collecting insights. 

It’s priced pretty affordably at $19/month. Impressive, huh?

  • Conversational Interface: Makes surveys more engaging, boosting response rates
  • Rich Insights: Vibrant dashboards providing instant and unlimited access to detailed survey data
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Conducts performance appraisals, customizes employee reports, and improves productivity
  • NPS Software: Lets you roll out NPS surveys to understand your brand’s support likelihood
  • Chatbot for Website: Enhances customer support with an in-site chatbot
  • Pre designed Templates: 800+ engaging survey templates
  • AI powered survey builder: Suggests question types and provides real-time recommendations 

Ready to level up your surveys? Sign up on SurveySparrow today!

2. Jotform: The All-Rounder


If customization is your jam, you’re going to love Jotform. Its extensive template library lets you create unique forms that reflect your style. Payments? Jotform integrates with your favorite gateways. Collaborations? Easy as pie. There’s even a PDF editor for offline forms.

 Pricing starts at $34/month. It’s like your Swiss Army knife of survey tools!

  • High Customizability: An extensive template library with customizable elements for unique forms
  • Payment Integration: seamless integration with payment gateways for online transactions
  • Form Analytics: provides detailed insights into form performance
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate team collaboration on form creation and management
  • PDF Editor: Allows users to create fillable PDF forms for offline use

3. Google Forms: The Pioneer

Google Forms Homepage

Google Forms is an efficient, no-cost survey tool that integrates perfectly with Google Workspace. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, it allows users to create surveys, quizzes, and registration forms quickly.

Pricing: Free

  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy to navigate, making survey creation a breeze
  • Seamless Integration:  Easily integrated with Google apps like Sheets for real-time data collection
  • Data Analysis: Automatically collects survey data and sends it to Google Sheets
  • Basic Customization: Customization features such as tailoring the question types, themes, and basic branding features are available.

4. Outgrow: The Engager


Ever thought of engaging your audience with a quiz or an assessment? Outgrow did! Starting at $14/month, this tool lets you create interactive content that your audience will love. Use built-in templates, customize layouts, and dive into detailed analytics. Outgrow also helps with lead generation. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

  • Interactive Content: Allows creation of quizzes, calculators, and assessments
  • Built-in Templates: Offers a variety of ready-to-use templates
  • Lead Generation Tools: Offers pop-ups, smart forms, and exit intents
  • Customizable Layouts: Allows users to adjust the layout, colors, and branding
  • Detailed Analytics: Provides actionable insights about user engagement

5. WPForms: The User’s Best Friend


Think about the most user-friendly form builder you could imagine. Got it? That’s WPForms for you! With easy drag-and-drop tools, over 100 pre-made templates, and nifty features like instant notifications and spam protection, WPForms starts at $49.50/year. It’s the best buddy for anyone, from beginner bloggers to seasoned website developers!

  • Survey and Polls Module: Gather user feedback efficiently with their in-built survey tools
  • User Registration: Allows visitors to register on your website, perfect for membership sites
  • Geolocation Data: Collect and store users’ geolocation data with their form submissions
  • Signature Feature: Users can sign your forms using touchscreen devices or a mouse
  • Form Abandonment Add-on: Capture partial entries from users who didn’t finish the entire form

6. Wufoo: The Code Whizz


Are you comfortable with a bit of coding? If yes, Wufoo is your playground. It allows more customization than most other tools – if you know your way around HTML and CSS. Wufoo also brings plenty of integrations to the table, from Dropbox to WordPress. Their starting plan costs $14.08/month. Get your geek on with Wufoo!

  • Field Choices Algorithm: Wufoo suggests the best field type for you based on the question you want to ask
  • Rule Builder: Set dynamic rules to show or hide fields based on user responses
  • Award-winning Support: They have a dedicated customer support team ready to assist
  • SSL Encryption: Ensures data transmitted through your forms is secure
  • API Access: Developers can use Wufoo’s API to create custom integrations

7. The Simplicity Master

Sometimes, less is more. knows this well, providing a clean, straightforward interface that lets you focus on crafting your surveys. Create forms, share them, collect responses, and track results all in one place. The basic version is free, while the advanced version costs $14.95/month. For those who appreciate simplicity, is the way to go.

  • Google Maps Integration: This helps users easily select a location or an address
  • QR Codes: Generate QR codes for your forms to facilitate easy sharing and accessibility
  • Unlimited Forms and Responses: There’s no cap on the number of forms or responses you can have
  • Custom CSS: If you’re tech-savvy, you can use CSS to style your forms
  • Embedded Countdown: Add a countdown timer to your forms for limited time offers or deadlines

8. Zoho Survey: The Analytics Ace


If you’re someone who loves diving deep into data, Zoho Survey might be your pick. This tool excels at data analysis, offering features like cross-tabulation, trend reports, and a comprehensive response database. Plus, Zoho Survey can connect to Zoho’s whole suite of products. Pricing starts at $20/month. Get ready to be an analytics ace with Zoho Survey!

  • Response Filters: Analyze survey data based on specific responses
  • Branching and Logic: Guide respondents through different paths in your survey based on their responses
  • QR Code Shareable: Surveys can be shared via QR codes, making it mobile-friendly
  • White Label: Remove Zoho branding and add your own

9. Formstack Forms: The Efficiency Expert


Formstack is all about boosting efficiency. It offers robust form-building features and integrates with hundreds of apps. Automate data collection, manage workflows, and even use conditional logic to create dynamic forms. Formstack Forms start at $18/month. It’s time to take productivity to a whole new level!

  • Save and Resume: Allows users to save their form progress and come back to it later
  • Data Routing: Send data to different people in your team based on form responses
  • Field Validation: Ensures that the data you collect is in the format you need
  • Sub Account Management: Manage user permissions and access within your team

10. Alchemer: The Insight Magician


Alchemer is the ultimate solution for unlocking the power of customer feedback and turning it into actionable insights. With its intuitive survey-building capabilities and advanced features, Alchemer empowers businesses to dive deep into the minds of their customers. 

  • Dynamic Questioning: Ask the right questions at the right time
  • Actionable Analytics: Identify key trends, track customer satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions
  • Alchemer University: Access a wealth of resources, including webinars, tutorials, and best practices
  • Survey Customization: Create surveys that reflect your brand personality and resonate with your audience

Well done for making it all the way through! How about a bonus?

11. Strikingly: The Website Wonder


You can build gorgeous one-page websites and collect data through custom forms with Strikingly. It’s perfect for event registrations, email sign-ups, and more. Strikingly’s pricing starts at $8/month

  • Domain Connect: Connect your domain name to give your website a professional look
  • App Store: Apps that can be added to your site for additional functionality
  • Blog Section: You can add a blog section to your website to share your knowledge or updates
  • Membership Feature: Create a membership site where users can register and log in

And that’s a wrap! 

As you can see, there’s a whole universe of survey tools beyond SurveyKing. It’s not about finding the best tool; it’s about finding the best tool for you. The best choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and desired level of customization. Take your time, assess your requirements, and make an informed decision. 

Happy exploring! 

Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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