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60+ Pre-Event Survey Questions to Help You Crush Your Next Event

Parvathi Vijayamohan

Last Updated:  

30 May 2024

5 min read

So, you’re planning this killer event and need to know what your audience is thinking. Well, pre-event survey questions are a great place to start.

In this article, we will:

What is a pre-event survey?

Pre-event survey questionnaire feedback from your audience on the following areas:

  • Audience expectations
  • Audience preferences
  • Location
  • Event timings
  • Event channel

This information will help your team plan and execute an event that matches and exceeds your audience’s expectations. In other words, think of your event as a product and pre-event surveys as your concept test. 

Before we get into the details, if you need a free pre-event survey questionnaire, SurveySparrow has covered you. Feel free to check out the survey template below and tweak it to fit your needs easily.

Just create a free account by signing up with your email and use it as much as you like.

Pre Event Survey Questionnaire Template

Types of pre-event survey questions you need to ask your audience

#1. General Pre-Event Survey Questions

The questions below have three goals:

  • Learn more about your target audience if you’re planning a corporate event.
  • Whether they are new attendees or returning attendees.
  • Please find out the roadblocks that prevent them from attending. 
  1. What is your name/job title?
  2. What is the name of your organization?
  3. Have you registered for the event?
  4. Please tell us why you will not be attending. (if applicable)
  5. Did you participate in last year’s event?
  6. How do you feel about the registration fees/process?
  7. What topics or speakers are you most looking forward to at the event?
  8. How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague? (Please rate on a scale from 1 to 10)
  9. What would make this event more appealing to you?
  10. Can you share any specific expectations or goals you have for this event?

#2. Pre-Event Survey Questions: Participant Expectations

Participant expectations can intensely affect an audience’s satisfaction levels. So, these questions are to ensure that these expectations are fully understood. While these expectations might differ based on the event type, there are usually some typical demands. 

  1. First things first – what are you hoping to gain from this event?
  2. Please rank the following aspects of this event based on how important they are to you.
  • Networking 
  • Having fun
  • Quality and accessible content 
  • A continuous flow of information
  • Hands-on learning 
  • Swift service and a good event environment

3. What platform do you check most often? We’ll use this to communicate with you.

  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Other
  1. How do you prefer to learn during an event? (e.g., workshops, keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive sessions)
  2. What challenges or barriers have you faced in attending similar events in the past?
  3. What specific topics or speakers would you like to see at the event?
  4. How important is the opportunity for hands-on experiences or interactive elements to you?
  5. If there were one thing we could do to enhance your event experience, what would it be?
  6. What are your expectations regarding safety and health measures at the event?
  7. Can you provide any dietary restrictions or accessibility needs we should be aware of to make your experience more comfortable?

#3. Pre-Event Survey Questions: Channels

This question type actually has two purposes: Finding out which of your event marketing channels are working best for you. The second is to let you know how your audience prefers to engage with you and which format. 

Oh, and do throw in ice-breaker questions just for fun! These questions can help you personalize your messages for each respondent – trust us, they’ll appreciate it. 

  1. So, how did you hear about this event?
  2. Virtual, hybrid, or in-person. What type of event do you prefer, and why?
  3. Please tell us what event format would work best for you?
  4. What song do you like to rock out to when nobody’s watching? (Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with us.)
  5. Which social media platform do you use the most to follow event updates?
  6. Have you ever been a speaker or a panelist at an event? If so, what was the topic?
  7. What’s the most memorable event you’ve attended and why?
  8. If you could choose any location for an event, where would it be and why?
  9. What’s your go-to snack or drink during event breaks?
  10. Can you share a fun fact about yourself that not many people know?

#4. Pre-Event Survey Questions: Timing

As they say, timing is everything. Your audience is scheduling some hours out of their precious time for your event. So it makes sense to understand their schedules and know what works for them. 

  1. When do you plan to arrive/log in?
  2. If given a choice, when do you prefer to attend the event?
  3. How long do you expect the event to be?
  4. Would you be interested in attending pre-event activities or workshops if they were available?
  5. How much notice do you need before an event to ensure your attendance?
  6. For multi-day events, do you prefer consecutive days or spread out over several weeks?
  7. What time of day do you find most convenient for attending events?
  8. Do you have any scheduling conflicts that could prevent you from attending the event?
  9. Are you interested in evening or weekend events, and would they better accommodate your schedule?
  10. How likely are you to attend additional sessions or activities outside of the main event hours?

#5. Pre-Event Survey Questions: Location

“Yes, cuisine and entertainment are also important factors,” states Jeff Kear at the Planning Pod, “But the venue sets the scene; dictates many choices related to the event, and influences the experiences of your guests probably more than any other factor.”

  1. Where would you like to have the event? 
  2. What do you think about our chosen location?
  3. On a scale from 1 to 5, rate the areas below.
  4. On a scale of 1-5, how accessible is the place?
  5. How important is the proximity of the venue to public transportation? (1-5)
  6. What are your preferences for parking availability at the event location? (1-5)
  7. Rate your preference for in-venue dining options. (1-5)
  8. How important are accommodations (hotels, inns, etc.) available near the event venue to you? (1-5)
  9. Rate the significance of the venue’s aesthetic or theme aligning with the event. (1-5)
  10. How crucial is the presence of tech amenities (Wi-Fi, charging stations, etc.) at the venue? (1-5)

#6. Pre-Event Survey Questions: Participant Preferences 

Keeping up with everyone’s preferences can be a challenge! But these pre-event survey questions will help you plan ahead and provide a welcoming, more personalized experience for each of your guests. 

  1. Which speakers/classes/events are you looking forward to the most?
  2. Which event information is confusing or hard to find?
  3. Do you have food allergies or diet preferences we ought to know about?
  4. Do you have any special needs that we can help accommodate?
  5. What type of networking opportunities are you most interested in?
  6. How do you feel about using technology during events (e.g., apps, live polling)?
  7. What’s your preferred method of receiving event updates (email, social media, text messages)?
  8. Would you be interested in participating in interactive sessions or workshops?
  9. Is there a specific theme or topic you’d like to see more of at the event?
  10. What suggestions are you for making this event more sustainable or environmentally friendly?


Why is pre-event communication with participants necessary?

Pre-event communication with participants is a great way to build buzz around your event. But it is also a golden opportunity to discover exactly what your audience expects. What you do or don’t do in the pre-planning stage will influence the attendee turnout and later experience. So, use pre-event surveys to get the information you need. 

What is the first question that needs to be asked before holding an event?

What kind of event are you planning? Is it a limited-seat conference, a one-hour webinar, or an informal meetup? 

The answer to this question will influence all other factors like topics, keynote speakers, location, budget, and services. 

Wrapping Up

That’s it, folks. We hope these pre-event survey questions have you covered.  Let us know if we missed anything – we’ll put it on the list!

Once the event is over, you can follow up with post-event survey questions to create an even better experience the next time. Happy surveying!

Parvathi Vijayamohan

Growth Marketer at SurveySparrow

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