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75+ Sports Survey Questions For All Purposes & Events

Kate William

Last Updated:  

30 May 2024

8 min read

Holiday season is over, and we’re about to launch into yet another action-packed year of sports. Exciting times, huh? 

Well, not if you’re a coach or a sports management company who’s always on a lookout for the next big talent. Just look at the football World Cup 2022. The likes of Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar, playing there were supreme talents who found the right opportunities at the right time to become what they are.  

Sports survey questions play a massive role in that. 

How exactly and what are these questions? We discuss it all here. Just get yourself a good cuppa and find a nice comfy seat, and on we go.  

Sports Survey Questions And Their Importance

Sports survey questions play a crucial role for a coach, sports institution, and a management agency in accessing the different qualities of sportspersons. These qualities are related to their understanding of a sport, general thought-process, values, and mental strength.

With the answers, you or your team develop an entire player’s profile to see if he/she could be a good addition to the team, or a star for the future. Also, these sports survey questions demonstrate a player’s professionalism and ethics, that are crucial for a successful career.

These also show if every team member is aligned to the same goals and objectives. And sports survey questions, in general, are a great way of starting conversations with newly acquired customers or prospects. It just gets the dice rolling, leaving the awkwardness behind. Pretty handy, right? 

If you are looking for a ready-to-use sports survey, that you can access for free, here’s exactly what you are looking for. Feel free to take a look at it.

Free Sports Survey Questionnaire

For, the rest of us, come let’s go explore the questions!

75+ Sports Survey Questions To Skip At Your Own Risk!  

It’s time to let the cat out of the bag. Here are the 75+ sports surveys questions from 5 different categories. Click to jump ahead to the section that interests you:

#1. General Sports Survey Questions 🤾🏼‍♂️

General sports survey questions help you understand the skills and genuine interest of the survey taker in sports. The type of sport doesn’t really matter here. These questions can be the yes/no type or open-ended questions depending on your survey flow and requirements:

  • Do you play sports at all?
  • Do you consider yourself good at any sport?
  • Have you participated in school sport events?
  • In a week, how often do you play any sport?
  • Who’s your favorite professional athlete?
  • What’s the most expensive sport, according to you?
  • If given a choice, what sport would you like to try professionally?
  • Which sport do you think you’ll be good at professionally? 
  • What sports do you like watching live?
  • What sports do you like watching on TV?
  • Any sport that you dislike watching? If yes, why?
  • Do you read or watch sports news everyday?
  • Have you ever met a sports personality in the past?
  • If there was no pressure or responsibilities, would you like playing a sport professionally?

#2. General Sports Survey Questions For Athletes 🏃🏾‍♀️

General sports questions for athletes differ from that of the non-athlete audience. It’s best to keep these questions open-ended to get the best results. So if you’re a coach, here are the possible questions to begin a sports survey with:

  • 5 years down the line, what do you wish to accomplish in your career?
  • What are the short-term goals you’d like to accomplish in the next few months to a couple of years?
  • In your opinion, what do you think is your biggest weakness, and how are you improving it?
  • What are your hobbies or interests outside of sports?
  • What are the strengths you believe will make you a great athlete?
  • Outside of your preferred sport, what other sport do you play?
  • What clubs, teams or extracurricular activities were you involved in school?
  • What drives your passion for sports?
  • A coach or athlete you look up to as a role model? If yes, why?
  • What are your current top five priorities in life?

#3. Experience-Based Sports Survey Questions ⛹🏼‍♀️

These questions help coaches and management agencies better understand the experiences of professional athletes to picture how they’ll perform in a team or in the future;

  • What do you believe are the greatest challenges for athletes today?
  • What does your management of athletic responsibilities and other outside recreational and non-recreational activities look like?
  • According to you, what would be your worst sporting performance and your learnings from it?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, where will you rate your daily routine?
  • What’s the diet and nutrition plan when you’re getting ready for a new season or tournament?
  • What have you learned about teamwork from your past experiences?
  • How have the past experiences made you a better player?
  • How have your past teams made you a better player?
  • Describe your major sporting achievements from the options below.
  • Talk us through your most successful season in sports.
  • Have you ever served as captain of a team? If yes, what was the experience like?

#4. In-Depth Sports Survey Questions 🏋🏻‍♂️

Many companies use the following types of questions to gain a stronger understanding of an athlete’s playing strategy, teamwork skills, ethical values, and mentality;

  • Why are you the best choice for our team?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how strongly are you against cheating in sports? 
  • Do you think a learner’s attitude is the only way to always stay on top in sports?
  • If you and the head coach are at odds with a strategy, how would you best explain yourself?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how adaptable are you with new training methods and use of technology in sports? 
  • How crucial is mental training in sports now, on a scale of 1-10?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how big is the impact of social media on an athlete’s performance?
  • Is there another athlete you mentored or helped train? Describe what you did for them.
  • Have you ever come up with your own plays? Tell me about them.
  • What’s your technique for memorizing and teaching yourself new plays before an upcoming game?
  • What would you do if you saw a teammate struggling to learn a new move or play?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gained from your coaches?
  • What do you look for in a great coach?
  • Tell us your current personal bests in various events.
  • How important is an athlete’s public image?
  • What are your preferred pre-game, locker room, and post-game routines?

Free Sports Survey Questionnaire

#5. Game-Specific Survey Questions 

Sports survey questions are incomplete without questions on specific games like extreme sports, baseball, and football. Here, we look at such questions one by one.

Extreme Sports  🧗🏼‍♂️

Action, adventure, or extreme sports are activities involving a high degree of risk. As a coach or facilitator of such sports, you need to understand if participants are physically and mentally ready with the correct gear. These are some of the questions to help you do that:

  • What’s your meaning of extreme sports?
  • Have you tried extreme sports in the past?
  • What extreme sports would you like to try?
  • What, according to you are the risks of doing extreme/adventure sports?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, where would you rate bungee jumping as an adventure sport?
  • Where would you rate mountain climbing as an adventure sport on a scale of 1 to 10? 
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how rigorous the training should be for adventure sports?
  • What, in your opinion, makes extreme sports dangerous?
  • According to you, what are the mental requirements for attempting extreme sports?
  • What extreme water sports would you like to try in the near future?
  • Are you in favor of teenagers doing extreme sports?
  • Do you have a friend who’s a professional at some extreme sport?
  • In general, do you think people like risky, adventure sports?
  • In general, what are your thoughts on people who like extreme sports?
  • What overall preparation do you need to have before attempting extreme sports?

Baseball Survey Questions ⚾️

The game of baseball is an integral part of America’s culture, and rightly so. A fantastically entertaining game with the knack for producing iconic moments. These questions will determine if you have a prospect that can produce similar moments in the future: 

  • What brought your interest in the game of baseball?
  • Have you played baseball before? If yes, at what level?
  • Are you familiar with all the rules of baseball?
  • Who’s your favorite baseball player ever?
  • What’s your favorite baseball team?
  • Have you watched a baseball film in the past? If yes, where will you put it on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • Have you watched Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill? If yes, did you like anything specific from the movie? 

Football Survey Questions ⚽️

In terms of global appeal, there are not many sports that come close to football. Exhilarating and entertaining from the first whistle to the last, here are the questions to ask football fanatics, general audience, or a young talent looking to break out as the next big thing:

  • Do you watch football matches? If yes, what would be your favorite match?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how eagerly do you wait for the football World Cup?
  • Is there a team you always support during a World Cup? 
  • Is there a team you support from English football?
  • Have you ever attended a World Cup game? If yes, what was the experience like?
  • Who is your all time favorite football player?
  • Do you have a favorite football team?
  • Do you like watching domestic/club football and the Champions League?
  • How often do you watch football games in a month?
  • Have you tried your hands at indoor football?
  • Do you like playing football with your friends?

Features Of A Top Online Survey Tool

You have 75+ sports survey questions, but what about the survey tool? It’s equally crucial to conduct surveys from a tool that makes the job easier and more efficient. There are several crucial steps to consider when it comes to choosing the right online survey tool. The features are where you should start. And that is where this section will help. 

Let’s get to it, then.

Designs to Craft Beautiful Surveys

The perfect survey tool will allow you to design surveys with appealing themes and templates. Your respondents will have fun while answering survey questions with attractive designs.

Skip Logic

With survey logic or skip logic, your respondent can skip an entire section of an online survey. For example, if one survey question is, “Did you ever shop from our e-store?” and the user’s answer is “Yes” then the next question would be related to the previous question. If the user answers with “No”, the next question would be skipped automatically. 

Embedded Surveys

When you’re looking for an online survey tool, make sure it has an embedded survey feature. With this feature, you can embed your surveys on web pages without a hassle. Embedded surveys can generate leads and data three times more than traditional surveys.

User Segmentation

User Segmentation is another must-have feature you should look for in online survey tools. It will allow you to display surveys only to a specific audience. For instance, you can show a specific survey only to your new website visitors. 

Video Surveys

Humans can retain 95% of the information when they watch it in a video. When you are selecting a survey tool, ensure they have video surveys that increase the ROI and survey experience. With this feature, you can add videos as a background for your surveys. 

Other Quality Features (With Examples) Of An Online Survey Tool

  • Real-time reporting
  • Advance reports filters
  • Seamless survey share
  • Recurring surveys 
  • API, Webhooks, Integration
  • White-label surveys
  • Secure surveys

Finding quality online survey software or tools is not an impossible task if they have all these elaborated and listed features. SurveySparrow is such a survey tool that offers a wide ranges of features. With this tool, you can redefine your employee, customer, and business experience impressively. 

What are some examples of businesses that are killing it with online surveys? Here you go!

SPB Web Solutions

SPB Web Solutions, the UK’s #1 online sales solution specialist, increased ROI by using online surveys. 

  • They used SurveySparrow to gather data from each potential prospect.
  • Then, they sent well-customized surveys to each of the prospects, using SurveySparrow’s built-in email platform. 
  • They asked their prospect whether they want to have a free consultation call or not.
  • They included a display logic feature in the survey, for the prospects who weren’t interested in the free call.  

The takeaway? With the perfect use of the survey, SPB Web Solutions witnessed a 30% boost in sales-qualified prospects. It further helped them to scale up their revenues. 

wydr Company

An open art-trading platform, wydr used SurveySparrow to increase their customer engagement.

  • SurveySparrow’s easy-to-use interface wydr sent survey questionnaires to their audience.
  • They also used the recurring survey feature to automatically send surveys again to the same audience. 

The result?  Switching from a traditional to online survey helped wydr to save their time and gain 20% higher website visitors.  

Sign up below to try SurveySparrow for free.

Hitting The Throttle?

Sure. Go for it. You have 75+ sports survey questions and the know-how of the online survey tool needed for it. It’s time you start conducting online surveys with survey tools like SurveySparrow with these questions to find sporting gems or begin conversations that bring fruitful results. 

If you have anything in mind regarding this article or online surveys, the SurveySparrow team’s here for you 24/7. Just leave us a ‘Hola’ and we’ll be there. 

Onwards and upwards! 

Kate William

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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