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20+ Best NPS Survey Questions and Templates (2024 Guide)


Last Updated:  

30 May 2024

8 min read

Are you curious about what NPS survey questions you can ask your customers?

Do you need some ideas or templates to write your own NPS questions?

An NPS survey is one of the best ways to measure your customers’ loyalty and satisfaction. In this article, we will:

Before diving into this list, knowing how NPS surveys work is essential.

What is an NPS Survey and How Does It Work?

An NPS survey typically consists of two questions: a rating question and an open-ended follow-up question.

The rating question is the standard NPS question that you’ve probably already seen and answered before. It asks you to give an NPS score — a score of 0-10 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a product or service to their friends or colleagues.

NPS rating question example

Based on the score (0-10), the customers fall into one of the three categories:

  • Promoters (9 or 10)
  • Passives (7-8)
  • Detractors (0-6)

Now, depending on their score and their category, you ask them an NPS follow-up question. It is a free-response, open-ended question that allows customers to provide the reason(s) for their chosen score in their own words.

In other words, an NPS follow-up question helps you figure out what made them choose that score.

For instance, if I gave a score of 5, one example of a follow-up question would be:

NPS follow up question example

While the NPS score questions help you calculate your NPS score and measure customer satisfaction, the NPS follow-up questions are incredibly important in that they help you gain insight into why a customer scored the way they did.

If you want a free NPS Survey with perfect questions, feel free to use this survey template below. Sign up with your email and you are all ready to go explore. 

NPS Survey Template from SurveySparrow

20 NPS Survey Questions and Examples

Below, you’ll find a list of example NPS questions. You can use these sample questions as a template to run your own NPS surveys.

Examples of NPS Rating Questions

The standard NPS question is “How likely are you to recommend us to your friends and family?”. But depending on your scenario and what you want your users or customers to rate, you can modify the main question.

Here are some variations of the main NPS survey questions you can use for different scenarios:

#1. Asking Customers to Rate Your Business

Instead of a nonspecific us, you can simply replace us in the standard question with your business name.

“On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [your business name] to a friend or a colleague?”

This NPS question helps you measure your customers’ overall satisfaction with your business and how they feel about your business in general.

You can also rephrase the above question in a way that directly asks about their experience with your business:

“Considering your experience with [your business name,] how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?”

This re-wording of the main question helps you better evaluate your customers’ general experience with your company.

#2. Asking Customers to Rate Your Product

If you’re looking to measure your customers’ experience with a particular product or service, you can replace your business name with your product or service name.

“How likely are you to recommend [your product name] to a friend or colleague?”

Again, the above generic question can be phrased in a way that directly asks about their experience with your product within a certain timeframe:

“Based on your experience of using [your product name] for [length of time], how likely are you to recommend it to a friend or colleague?”

You can also get a little more specific with the NPS question wording, and ask your users to rate a particular feature or piece of experience within your product or service:

“How likely are you to recommend this feature to a friend or a colleague?”

#3. Asking Customers to Rate Your Customer Service

When you want to measure a customer’s likelihood to recommend your customer service or customer support, replace “business name” with “support staff” or “customer support service”.

For instance:

“How likely are you to recommend our customer support service to a friend or colleague?”

“How likely are you to recommend our support staff to a friend or colleague?”

#4. Asking Customers to Rate their Recent Interaction or Transaction

A transactional NPS (NPS) survey asks customers to rate a recent interaction regarding a specific customer touchpoint — post-service, post-purchase, or post-onboarding interactions.

It helps you discover any issues with a specific customer experience and improve it.

One way to ask these NPS questions is to add “based on your most recent interaction” to the beginning or end of your survey question.

For instance:

“How likely are you to recommend us to your friends and family based on your most recent interaction?”

“Based on your recent interaction(s) with our support staff, how likely are you to recommend them?”

“Based on your recent purchase, how likely are you to recommend us to your friends & family?”

“Now that you’ve received [your product name], how likely are you to recommend [your company name] to a friend or colleague?”

#5. Asking Customers to Rate Your Company as a Workplace

In this NPS example, NPS surveys can also be used to assess your employees’ loyalty to your company.

Measuring employee loyalty is important as it:

  • Helps you predict how long an employee will stay at your company.
  • Helps you find out if a negative employee experience is leading to a negative customer experience.
  • Prevent an employee from leaving your company by resolving his or her issues
  • Prevent unhappy employees from talking ill about your company

To create an employee NPS (eNPS) survey, add “company name as a workplace” or “company name as a place of work” to your NPS question-wording.

Sign up with your email for free access to NPS Survey Questions & Templates.

For instance:

“How likely are you to recommend (your company name) as a workplace to your friends?”

“How likely are you to recommend (your company name) as a place of work to your friends?”

Read More: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Examples of NPS Follow Up Questions

Based on your customers’ answers to your rating question, you can ask them the following open-ended questions to get valuable feedback.

#1. What is the Primary Reason for Your Score?

This is the standard NPS follow-up question that helps reveal the main reason behind the chosen score. While the question might be a little generic, it helps you get a direct answer from your customers without overwhelming them.

#2. What Do You Like the Most About Our (Product or Company Name)?

When you know the aspects of your business or product that your customers love, you can find new ways to enhance your product. You can build new features or optimize existing ones around customers’ interests. This NPS survey question helps you do more of what works best for your customers.

#3. What Do You Like the Least About Our (Product or Company Name)?

This NPS example question helps you find all the least favorite aspects of your product or business. With this question, you can easily spot all the things that don’t seem to be working well for your customers and fix them. Knowing what your customers dislike can help you improve or eliminate things to serve them better.

#4. Why Would You (Not) Recommend Us?

This question is quite straightforward and allows your customers to give specific reasons why they would or would not recommend your business to their friends or colleagues. Also, because of how it’s worded, it lets your customers open up about their frustrations with your product or service.

#5. What Was Missing or Disappointing in Your Experience With Us?

Ask this question to understand the elements of your product that seem missing or disappointing to your customers. You can then use their answer to prioritize their problems and ensure an improved experience.

#6. Which Features Do You Value (or Use) the Most?

A product typically consists of multiple features. You can ask this NPS survey question to understand the features that matter the most to a specific customer. Product managers find this question useful as it helps them prioritize their product roadmap and understand what’s valuable to the end customer.

#7. How Do You Benefit from Using Our (Product or Service Name)?

This NPS question helps you understand how your customers benefit from using your product. When you know the top benefits your product provides to your customers, you can use these insights to market your product or service better.

#8. How Does Our Product Meet Your Needs?

Use this question to understand how well your product solves your customers’ unique needs. It also helps you understand whether the solution you’ve built really solves their problems.

#9. What Should We Improve?

This is another useful question that can help improve your product or service. It can help you uncover the areas or aspects of your product or business with which your customers have issues.

#10. What Problem Are You Trying to Solve with Our Product?

You can ask this question to understand the main job —or the primary problem— they hired your product to solve. Also, you can find the unique needs of your customers who use your product.

#11. Why Did You Opt for Us Over Our Competition?

Ask this question to understand your product’s unique values that motivate the customers to choose you over your competition. You’ll gain clarity on all the values only your product can deliver to your customers.

#12. What is the One Thing We Could Do to Make You Happier with Our Product?

This question helps you uncover the one thing that, when improved, leads to a better, happier experience for your customers. It also helps you show your customers that you care for them and are genuinely interested in improving their experience.

#13. Would You like to Schedule a Call with Our Customer Success Team?

You ask this question to customers who fall into the detractors (0-6) category. Depending on the product and the market you serve, you can help your customers get in touch with your customer success team so they can resolve your customers’ issues.

#14. Would You Like to Share Your Positive Experience?

Ask your promoters this NPS question example to obtain a testimonial and possibly unearth the reasons for this experience.

Create NPS Surveys for free using SurveySparrow.

5 Ways to Improve NPS Response Rate

Improving your Net Promoter Score (NPS) response rate can significantly enhance the quality of feedback you receive, making it a more reliable metric for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here are five strategies to consider:

  1. Simplify the Survey Process: Ensure your NPS survey is straightforward and quick to complete. The fewer the questions, the better. A single question followed by an optional open-ended question for feedback is often enough. This respects your customers’ time and increases their likelihood of completing the survey.
  2. Optimize Timing and Frequency: Send out your NPS surveys when customers are most likely to respond. Depending on your business model, this could be immediately after a purchase or interaction with customer service. Be mindful not to over-survey your customers, as survey fatigue can significantly reduce response rates.
  3. Personalize Your Approach: Personalized survey invitations can increase engagement. Use the customer’s name and reference specific interactions with your service or product. This shows you value their experience and opinion, making them more likely to contribute.
  4. Leverage Multiple Channels: Not all customers prefer communicating through the same channels. Utilizing a multi-channel approach (email, SMS, in-app notifications) to send out NPS surveys ensures you reach more of your customer base in the manner they find most convenient.
  5. Offer Incentives for Completing the Survey: While this approach should be used judiciously to avoid biasing responses, small incentives such as a discount on the next purchase, entry into a prize draw, or a donation to a charity can motivate customers to take the time to respond to your survey.

Implementing these strategies requires a balance between encouraging responses and ensuring the feedback you receive is genuine and reflective of your customers’ true sentiments. Continuously testing and optimizing your approach will help you find the right strategy for your audience.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! You now have all the sample NPS survey questions you need to craft your own.

Did we miss out on any excellent NPS survey questions? Let us know in the comments section below!

Are you looking to create conversational NPS surveys that your customers will love answering? Check out our readymade NPS survey templates.


I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.


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