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How to Craft the Perfect Coaching Effectiveness Survey Questions


Last Updated:  

23 May 2024

6 min read

There’s an old saying: “You’re only as good as your last game.” But in the world of coaching, whether in business, sports, or life, you’re only as good as your ability to improve. This improvement relies heavily on feedback, and therein lies the importance of developing the perfect coaching effectiveness survey questions.

Let’s first understand the basics of coaching effectiveness.
In this blog, we’ll see:

What is Coaching Feedback?

Coaching feedback is the information shared with a coach regarding their performance, often from the perspective of those being coached. This feedback can be based on the coach’s techniques, strategies, communication skills, ability to motivate, and overall effectiveness. It may also include observations on the coach’s impact on the individual or team’s performance, growth, and development.

Feedback can be delivered formally through coaching feedback forms or post-coaching questionnaires. However, it can also occur informally through conversations or observations made during and after coaching sessions.

coaching effectiveness survey questions

What is the Importance of Coaching Feedback?

Feedback in coaching is crucial for several reasons:

#1 Growth and Development: Feedback provides coaches with valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This can help them develop their skills, refine their coaching techniques, and become better at their craft.

#2 Measuring Effectiveness: Feedback forms can help measure the effectiveness of the coaching provided. They provide tangible data that can be analyzed to gauge whether the coaching is having the desired impact.

#3 Building Trust and Open Communication: When coachees have the opportunity to provide feedback, it opens up a dialogue between them and the coach. This can build trust, improve communication, and strengthen the coaching relationship.

#4 Enhancing the Coaching Experience: Feedback can help to tailor the coaching experience to the individual needs and preferences of the coachee. It ensures that the coaching provided aligns with what the coachee finds most beneficial. The integration of feedback mechanisms within the coaching platform enhances the overall user experience, allowing for continuous improvement and customization based on the unique requirements of each individual.

Introducing a Coaching Feedback Form

A coaching feedback form is a structured document used to collect feedback about a coach’s performance from those they’ve coached. These forms typically include rating scale questions (for example, rating the coach’s communication skills on a scale of 1 to 5) and open-ended questions (like asking for specific areas where the coach could improve).

The feedback form can cover various aspects, such as the coach’s knowledge and expertise, ability to motivate and inspire, communication skills, effectiveness of their techniques, and overall coaching experience.

What are Coaching Effectiveness Survey Questions?

Coaching effectiveness survey questions are tools to gauge the impact of a coach’s strategies and techniques. These questions can uncover whether a coach’s approach is working, what needs improvement, and how the coach can better support their coachee’s development.

How to Craft Coaching Effectiveness Survey Questions

The first step in designing any survey is to clearly understand what you want to achieve. For a coaching effectiveness survey, your objectives range from understanding the coach’s influence on performance to evaluating their communication skills.

The art of writing practical survey questions is a balance between clarity, precision, and relevance. 

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Use simple language: The best questions are those that are easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse your respondents. Instead, use plain, everyday language to ensure everyone understands your questions.
  • Be specific: Avoid ambiguity and ensure your question focuses on one aspect at a time. For instance, if you want to know about a coach’s communication skills, don’t lump it in with a question about their strategic planning abilities. Keep these as separate questions for more accurate responses.

coaching effectiveness survey questions & form

  • Keep it short: Long questions can confuse respondents and lead to incorrect responses. Aim for brevity without sacrificing clarity. A good rule of thumb is to keep your questions to 20 words or less.
  • Use a consistent scale: If you’re using rating scales, keep them consistent throughout your survey. This helps avoid confusion and makes the survey easier to complete. Whether you’re using a Likert scale (e.g., from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”) or a numerical scale (e.g., from 1 to 10), consistency is critical.
  • Avoid leading or biased questions: Your survey questions should be neutral and not lead respondents towards a particular answer. For instance, instead of asking, “Don’t you think our coach is doing a great job?” ask, “How would you rate the performance of our coach?”
  • Include open-ended questions: While closed-ended questions (those with a fixed set of responses) are easier to analyze, open-ended questions can provide valuable insights. These questions allow respondents to express their thoughts in their own words, potentially revealing perspectives you hadn’t considered.

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3 Major Types of Coaching Effectiveness Survey Questions

     1. Coaching Feedback Form

A coaching feedback form is a structured method for gathering feedback from the coach. It typically includes questions about the coach’s knowledge, communication skills, and ability to inspire.

     2. Post-Coaching Questionnaire

A post-coaching questionnaire is used after a coaching session to evaluate its effectiveness. This could include questions about the coachee’s level of satisfaction, the usefulness of the techniques learned, and their overall experience.

    3. Opinion Poll Question

Opinion poll questions can provide a snapshot of the coachee’s perception of the coach’s effectiveness. These questions can be distributed widely and frequently to keep a pulse on the coach’s performance.

The Key to Writing a Successful Questionnaire

One of the keys to writing a successful questionnaire is to ask the right questions at the right time. Timing is everything. Ask for feedback too soon, and the coachee might need more time to reflect. Wait too long, and the details might have faded. 

Let’s take a look at how crafting the right questions can make a difference. 

Examples of Effective Coaching Survey Questions

To further illustrate, let’s delve into some examples of coaching effectiveness survey questions. These examples can serve as a basis for your own questionnaire:

1. Evaluating the Coaching Relationship

The coaching relationship is the foundation of effective coaching. Here are a few questions that can help evaluate this aspect:

  1. How comfortable do you feel communicating with your coach?
  2. Does the coach respect your opinions and ideas?
  3. Does the coach foster a supportive and non-judgmental environment?

Coaching feedback forms

2. Evaluating Coaching Techniques and Strategies

The coach’s techniques and strategies are instrumental in facilitating growth and improvement. Here are some questions that can assess these elements:

  1. How effective are the coach’s techniques in helping you reach your goals?
  2. Can you apply what you’ve learned from the coaching sessions to your work/life situation?
  3. How would you rate the coach’s ability to help you identify and overcome obstacles?
  3. Evaluating the Impact of Coaching

The ultimate measure of coaching effectiveness is the impact on the individual or team being coached. Here are some questions that can gauge this impact:

  1. How has coaching influenced your performance at work/sport/life?
  2. Do you feel more confident in tackling challenges after your coaching sessions?
  3. Can you identify any tangible improvements or achievements since you began coaching sessions?
 4. Open-Ended Questions

Remember, open-ended questions allow for more nuanced and detailed responses. Here are some examples:

  1. What do you appreciate most about your coach’s approach?
  2. Can you describe a situation where your coach’s input significantly impacted your decision-making or performance?
  3. In what areas do you feel your coach could improve?

These examples demonstrate how you can tailor your survey questions to different aspects of coaching effectiveness. They blend a mix of rating scales and open-ended questions to capture quantitative and qualitative data. 

Remember, the key to crafting the perfect coaching effectiveness survey questions lies in clarity, relevance, and an unwavering focus on your objectives.

Leverage SurveySparrow for Effective Coaching Feedback Surveys

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Whether you’re a professional coach, a team leader, or an HR manager, getting feedback is an essential part of the coaching process. But collecting and analyzing feedback can be a daunting task. This is where SurveySparrow comes in.

SurveySparrow is an omnichannel experience management platform that simplifies the feedback collection process. It enables you to create intuitive, engaging, and insightful surveys, including coaching effectiveness feedback forms.


Coaching effectiveness survey questions are a powerful tool for growth and improvement. They allow for objectively evaluating a coach’s approach and providing actionable enhancement insights. By crafting the perfect survey questions, you’ll help coaches improve and elevate the overall coaching experience. 

Remember, crafting perfect survey questions is iterative – refining and revising are part of the process. So, start today and let your journey toward excellence begin!


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