Mar 10, 2022

Read Time 3 min

Top 5 Customer Success communities to join


Online Customer Success communities are excellent places to gain fresh perspectives, stay on the pulse of industry trends, learn from seasoned Customer Success professionals and other SaaS experts, and have conversations with like-minded folks.

Customer Success communities are the discerning CS professionals’ secret weapon. The right community can help you:

  • Connect and collaborate with fellow Customer Success professionals
  • Engage and learn from industry experts and influencers
  • Build critical professional and personal relationships
  • Seek out advice, lessons learned, and hacks from solving any problems you’re battling with at work
  • Build your personal brand
  • Get hired
  • Stay on top of industry trends and news

Want to know which are the best Customer Success communities that contain the very best minds in the industry? You’re in luck. We’ve done the hard work for you and compiled a list of some of the most popular Customer Success communities.

Top five Customer Success communities

1.) Gain Grow Retain

Gain Grow Retain is a free, open community for Customer Success leaders in B2B SaaS organizations. This community is designed to support leaders of all organizations to get access to direct, actionable support from their peers. They want to facilitate best practice discussion, helping to tease out what organizations big and small are implementing to better service their customers.

2.) Customer Success Network

Customer Success Network is a Customer Success community for CS professionals globally to network, to share best practices and to grow. While established out of London, they welcome people from everywhere.

Their vision for the community is “Every Customer Success manager has someone to ask for help”. They believe in learning faster together.

The Customer Success Network offers CS practitioners opportunities to learn, connect, find their dream job, grow, mentor, crowd-source advice, and get answers fast.

3.) Customer Success Leadership Network

The Customer Success Leadership Network is a community of Customer Success executives, consultants and practitioners who meet regularly and work to ensure that the evolving field of Customer Success is stained as a growth function for subscription companies and beyond.

The group believes that Customer Success is a part of everyone’s job, from the C-Suite all the way to the individual contributor.

You can join this global network of Customer Success professionals that is committed to cultivating knowledge exchange and establishing a CS community. Learn from thought leaders and key decision makers in the field and become one yourself by staying current with every advancement in the Customer Success industry.


OUTCOMES is a Customer Success focused community and online resource for Customer Success professionals. They do a simple job. They provide a place for Customer Success leaders and practitioners to share experiences, learn best practices and get inspired by others who are delivering success for their customers.

They believe that Customer Success is a team sport. Members can share their challenges, get answers to your most pressing questions, and learn what works (and what doesn’t) from other Customer Success leaders, CSMs, entrepreneurs and Customer Experience experts like yourself.

5.) ChurnZero Customer Community

The ChurnZero Community is a collaborative, member-led space for ChurnZero customers who are passionate about Customer Success. In the community, members can discuss their professional challenges, learn from each other’s successes, share useful resources, and refine best practices for superior customer experiences.

We want the ChurnZero Community to be one of our customers most powerful customer benefits by connecting customers to an incredible resource – and help them achieve rapid Customer Success growth together.


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