November, 2020

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Creating A Customer-Centric Strategy

Integrity Solutions

A customer-centric strategy is about more than just a values statement or a directive to the team. Are your customers truly at the center of your business universe? A customer-centric culture is one that is relentlessly focused on putting what’s best for the customer at the core of everything you do. Culture isn’t just about one function or department or role.

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7 Review Acquisition Strategies to Boost Customer Success



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Five Ways to Thank Customers — And How to Find Opportunities in Your Organization

Experience Investigators by 360Connext

When our waiter flagged us down by the door, I assumed we had left something behind or forgotten to sign the credit card slip or something. My husband and I were walking out of a restaurant with our two boys, who were 9 and 12 at the time, while on vacation in Florida several years ago. I was so surprised when our server made such an effort to stop us to say that he appreciated how polite our boys were. “Please’s and thank you’s aren’t very common anyway, but especially

Airlines 372
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Interview with CX Ambassador Matthew Phillip


Interview with Matthew Phillip, Marketing Automation Manager at Mylo, a Lockton company, the insurtech leader revolutionizing insurance shopping, about his career in the customer experience space.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Are You Delivering “Comfort and Joy” to Your Customers?

Customer Bliss

Today’s guest post is from my good friend, Chip R. Bell , the best selling author of the 9 1/2 Principles of Innovative Service and many other customer service books. Chip has just released his latest book, Inside Your Customer’s Imagination: 5 Secrets for Creating Breakthrough Products, Services, and Solutions. Chip is also a customer service keynote speaker who educates organizations on how to create a customer-centric culture.

Magazine 288

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Best Customer & Employee Experience Design Books 2020 2021 List


Best Customer experience and Employee Experience experience Design Books of 2020 2021 List. The post Best Customer & Employee Experience Design Books 2020 2021 List appeared first on Eglobalis.

Books 212
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Customer Care Outsourcing Amidst Uncertainty: A Pandemic Resource [eBook]


When the world turned upside down in February and March of 2020, no one could have guessed what was ahead. Many of us hit the pause button with the assumption things would return to normal soon. Soon never happened, and so we are left with the question of when and how to get back to business as usual. For companies who outsource (or are thinking about outsourcing) their customer care, there is simultaneously a large degree of uncertainty and urgency.

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An Effortless Experience Isn’t Enough

Heart of the Customer

In CX, we all focus on making the experience easier on our customers. (We even made it the title of our book.) But building loyalty isn’t as simple as removing friction. Don’t get me wrong. It’s definitely worthwhile to simplify your customer experience. Friction is a key driver behind loyalty destruction, and your organization will […].

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5 Ways Support Teams Can Prepare for the COVID-19 Holiday Rush


How to provide the best customer service and support during this unprecedented holiday season. Guides

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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The Best Customer Service Phrases That Will Help in Any Tough Situation

Win the Customer

Being an exceptional customer service representative comes with specific requirements. One of them is understanding the effect of using service phrases. Your goal as a customer service employee is to hear problems and bring solutions. As long as you know how to solve the issues arising, you’re successful. However, communicating well 24/7 can be difficult.

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The 5 Rules for Designing a Great Digital Experience

Beyond Philosophy

Digital experiences are a crucial part of your Customer Experience , especially during the pandemic. Some organizations are excelling, while others could use some work. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, we have some essential considerations for designing your digital experience in the form of 5 rules. On a recent podcast about these 5 rules, I shared a recent digital experience that was definitely on the “could use some work” side of the spectrum.

Books 162
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Don’t Talk about Great CX Culture if You Don’t Know MED


Don’t Talk about Great Customer Experience if You Don’t Know MED , customer experience , employee experience loyalty , human experience. The post Don’t Talk about Great CX Culture if You Don’t Know MED appeared first on Eglobalis.

Culture 201
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Guest Blog: How To Improve the Customer Experience Starting Today


This week we feature an article from Chelsea Lamb , co-founder and head tech writer at Business Pop. She provides multiple strategies to improve the customer experience in order to gain and retain repeat customers. It’s been said that customer service is dead. Unfortunately, for many businesses, this is true. We live in such an instant gratification world that customers will often simply seek the next best thing if they don’t get the desired outcome to start.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Top 5 Customer Experience Predictions For 2021


Customer experience (CX) is a determining factor in whether customers are loyal to a brand or not. Over 80% of companies who prioritize customer experience report an increase in revenue. So, how can businesses ensure their CX is up to scratch? Brands must stay on top of CX trends. 2020 brought huge changes to the business world and impacted customer service and operations across the board.

2021 140
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Support local restaurants during Covid-19

Customer Enthusiast

Between March and September of this year, sales at restaurants and bars plunged 27%, compared to the same period in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And by April, according to the National Restaurant Association, more than 8 million restaurant employees had been laid off or furloughed. Experts anticipate that between 30% to 50% […]. The post Support local restaurants during Covid-19 appeared first on Steven Curtin.

2019 128
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Retaining Clients leverages an Innovative Customer Retention Strategy

One Millimeter Mindset

Are you creating an innovative customer retention strategy for what is new and next? (And nowhere near to whatever has been normal.). Consider that retaining yesterday’s clients just may not be the primary focus of this strategy, either. Because the clients who helped you get to where you were yesterday may not have the capacity for innovative transitions.

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Digital Transformation Didn’t Work: This Is What You Should Do Now

Beyond Philosophy

An organization’s digital experience is vital to their success. We have been getting a lot of clients asking for a review of their digital experience. Many recognize that their digital transformation hasn’t resulted in the experience that they hoped it would be. On a recent podcast, we had our lead on digital transformation Zhecho Dobrev, Principal Consultant for Beyond Philosophy, tell us why that might be.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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Customer Transformation: Loyalty & Sentiment Are Your Challenges Ahead


Customer Transformation: Loyalty & Sentiment Are Your Challenges Ahead , People-centric enterprises will certainly have an advantage – not just today, but also down the road – when it comes to the memories they instilled in employees and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The post Customer Transformation: Loyalty & Sentiment Are Your Challenges Ahead appeared first on Eglobalis.

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The Loyalty Question 2.0


If you have been following my work, you may remember something I refer to as The Loyalty Question. It goes like this: What am I doing right now to make sure the customer comes back the next time they need whatever it is we sell? Most people think customer loyalty is about a lifetime. That’s a pretty big goal—making a customer stay for a lifetime. But if you break it down into smaller parts—as in the next time —it becomes much easier.

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Delivering impactful results from your Voice of the Customer programme


Date: Friday, November 13, 2020 Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager Delivering impactful results from your Voice of the Customer programme. Published on: November 13, 2020. Author: Pauline Ashenden - Demand Generation Manager Understanding changing customer needs is vital if companies are to increase engagement, satisfaction and long-term revenues.

2020 126
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Guest Blog: Contact Center Talent in These Changing Times, Part 1 – Setting the Stage


This guest post is authored by Steven Kaish , SVP, Product Marketing & Technical Partners at Glia. The legendary Bob Dylan released his classic hit The Times They Are A-Changin’ back in 1964. More than half a century later, his lyrics couldn’t be more relevant. In fact, the pace of change is only accelerating affecting nearly every facet of our lives, from how we bank, shop and socialize to how we respond to a pandemic.

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Revolutionizing Contact Centers: Next-Gen Tech for Enhanced CX

Speaker: Liran Meir Frenkel, Performance Management and RPA Sr Product Marketing Manager at NICE; Harpreet Makan, Practice Director at Everest Group; & Santhosh Kumar, Practice Director at Everest Group

As contact centers navigate the challenges of delivering excellence within budget constraints and adapting to evolving employee expectations, optimizing agent tasks becomes crucial. Discover a holistic approach across three pillars - people, process, and technology - that is essential to excel in this dynamic landscape, and explore how next-gen technologies such as generative AI, performance analytics, and process intelligence play a pivotal role in transforming contact centers into advanced CX

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Three Thanksgiving Gratitude 2020 Paradigm Shifts

One Millimeter Mindset

In 2019, I never imagined I’d be creating a 2020 Thanksgiving Gratitude blog post during a global pandemic. However, this is a very different year for all of us. And so is this blog post. Because the reality of 2020 is that all of us are wrestling with two sentiments: what we are grateful for in addition to a profound sense of loss. Especially as I continue to offer my condolences to friends, colleagues and clients who lost loved ones during 2020.

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Diagnosing Customers’ New Behavior During the Pandemic

Beyond Philosophy

The last time you looked up product reviews, which ones did you notice first, 5-star, or 1-star? Also, how many 5-star reviews does it take to offset a 1-star review? Probably more than one. Today, I’m talking about why that is, and it comes down to two words that describe our instinctive behavior: Negativity Bias. We discussed Negativity Bias on a recent podcast.

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What is Customer 360 and How Does it Affect Customer Success?


Today’s consumers have higher expectations for the companies they work with than ever before. The digital business landscape has made it so competitors can easily reach out to prospective customers with offers of enticing deals and promises of attentive service. As a result, if a user isn’t fully satisfied with their service , switching providers can be done in a day’s time.

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Thanksgiving Week Special: A Recipe for Amazing Customer Service


As we approach Thanksgiving, I can’t stop thinking about turkey and stuffing—and all the different ways to prepare them. Always thinking about how everything in life ties to customer service, I wondered, “What is a good recipe for customer service?” So, I’ve listed some of the essential ingredients. I’m sure you’ll have a few more to add to this list.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr