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Key Challenges CRM Marketers (Shouldn’t) Face in 2023

Marketing teams have come a long way, but manual work is still a part of many CRM marketers’ day-to-day tasks. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Eliminating manual processes and tedious tasks is possible while saving time (and money!) Here’s where to begin

Believe it or not, many CRM marketers today still use manual tools like Excel to manage their campaigns. Other marketers use stand-alone email platforms to engage and retain customers. And some still compile customer receipts individually to determine which email each should receive. 

In the Forrester report, The Total Economic Impact of Optimove, the Head of Communication from an insurance company said, “We used to contact customers who had abandoned their quotes by spotting an empty spreadsheet cell in the price column. Then, we would take that list out and contact them.”  

Manually entering data into any program or system is time-consuming and tedious but also dull, tiring, and quite complex. Worst of all? It’s prone to human error. And still, many marketers continue to do it. 

To master CRM, that is, to get personalization, orchestration, retention, and optimization right at scale – marketers must adopt innovative technologies and new, more modern ways of working. 

Otherwise, they’ll continue to face the struggles and limitations their manual work demands.  

Challenge #1 – Your customer base is growing 

Marketers increasingly struggle to do their jobs as their organizations launch new business lines and grow. And with increasing business volume, using manual tools for personalization, orchestration, retention, and optimization becomes impossible. 

Marketing teams that use traditional, outdated methods will struggle to support a growing business and need direct access to customer data to build, test, and optimize hundreds of CRM campaigns daily. 

When a business grows, so should its capabilities to provide each customer with the communication they need to continue growing with you.  

This leads us to the next challenge. 

Challenge #2 – You want to customize your campaigns at scale 

Many marketers still need help to customize campaigns based on distinct traits of customers. Without a CDP with a brain, many retailers send out bulk email campaigns and use a “batch and blast” approach, severely restricting the ability to engage and retain customers. 

In the same Forrester report mentioned above, the VP of analytics from a telecommunications company said, “As a provider of international services, we have a highly fragmented customer base, and each community is a different segment. They all have their currencies, languages, and operators.”  

Today marketers have the tools to create customer segments based on whichever attribute they feel is needed to support their next campaigns. Recent Order Value, Last Page Visited, and Number of Purchased Items are just a few ideas. With all these real-time metrics, marketers can analyze customers based on the most up-to-date data to increase campaign relevancy. 

Challenge #3 – You need to aggregate and analyze data to generate insights  

Another prominent challenge marketers face today has to do with disconnected customer data. Businesses often need to be made aware of what data they have and what value it holds. They need help with “data curation,” a focused process of turning data from various sources into unified data sets ready for analytics. 

Leading marketing teams have direct access to unified historical, real-time, and predictive customer data to build, test, orchestrate, optimize, and measure CRM campaigns and journeys at scale.   

Letting machine learning-based predictive analytics decide which message to send to which customer at each touchpoint is the only way to ensure each customer receives the message that will most likely get them to click and/or make a purchase. It also ensures the brand sends the most effective, personalized messages – maximizing revenue chances. 

The marketing tools you need in 2023: 

  • Orchestration of cross-channel marketing campaigns 
  • Advanced marketing automation and personalization  
  • Data integration capabilities 
  • Advanced analytics and segmentation 
  • User-friendly interface and features 
  • End-to-end campaign execution and measurement capabilities 
  • Customer support tailored to business needs 

That’s it! 

With next-gen tech at your side, all your CRM marketing wishes and dreams can come true and happen in one place. One platform. One login. One single customer view. From creation to execution, data to analysis, and everything in between. 

To improve your marketing journey and analytics capabilities, request a demo

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Dafna Sheinberg

Dafna is a creative marketing content writer and editor who produces strategic content for various online industries. With over ten years of professional writing experience, she helps brands grow and increase profitability, efficiency, and online presence. Dafna holds a B.A. in Persuasive Communications from Reichman University (IDC Herzliya).