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Say Hello to Gen Z: We’ve Integrated with TikTok and Snapchat

Over half of Gen Z consumers are on TikTok now, and 46% say they use the platform daily. Also – 58% of Gen Z's are willing to pay more for products targeted at their personalities. Now your TikTok and Snapchat ads can be more personalized than ever before

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According to Shai Frank, VP of Product at Optimove, “Data shows the average time spent on social media worldwide is two hours and 27 minutes a day in 2022, with TikTok being the preferred destination for Gen-Z audiences.”    

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If you are serious about putting the customer first, then every action your marketing department takes should start with the customer on the right platform and at the right time. That is where and when they are most receptive. So naturally, the wise thing to do is to target them while they are on their favorite social media. 

And at Optimove, first we identify a need and then address it. So, we’re delighted to share the news about our new integrations with social media giants TikTok and Snapchat. Yes, indeed – marketing teams can now create, orchestrate, and measure digital advertising campaigns on TikTok and Snapchat using the Optimove platform.  

And this is how you do it (customer-led marketing, that is)  

Shai Frank continues, “It is more important than ever for brands to engage their audiences wherever they may be as part of a customer-first marketing strategy. Optimove’s digital advertising channels have already helped clients reduce the Cost of Acquisition by 75%, and we expect that figure to rise with these integrations.”  

A full MarTech advertising stack that enables holistic messaging across all platforms 

Optimove now provides a full Martech advertising stack, with TikTok and Snapchat joining a vast advertising network connected to our platform, including Facebook, Instagram, Google, Criteo, Adobe DMP, and Live Ramp.   

Now, marketers can build audiences leveraging all their demographic, transactional, behavioral, and predictive customer data while ensuring they are updated with Optimove. They can even use sophisticated AI algorithms to determine the best advertising network, campaign, and treatment for each individual customer.   

These new capabilities join existing platforms, increasing the brand’s ability to manage coordinated multichannel campaigns comprising email marketing, mobile marketing, web personalization, and direct mail campaigns via Optimove—ultimately enabling holistic messaging across all platforms.  

Simply put, with these new integrations, marketers have more tools and greater capabilities to improve acquisition and retention and ensure customers receive the right message with hyper-personalization. 

Examples and benefits? Thought you’d never ask  

1.     Get those unsubscribed customers back   

Customers unsubscribing from your mailing list usually points to the fact that emails weren’t particularly relevant and didn’t add any value at a given time. But all is not lost. You have the opportunity to create a second chance and win them back. 

Just make sure to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Here is an example of an effective approach you may want to consider. Combine data points like “unsubscribed” with “it’s been more than 90 days since their last purchase” and “their main product of interest is running shoes” to create hyper-segmented digital ad campaigns.  

2.     Acquire higher-value customers  

Start with the customer to acquire better value customers through lookalike audiences.  

With Optimove, you can exploit the first-party data you have collected on your most valuable customers and, with those attributes, create lookalike audiences based on what you already know works for you. 

For instance, you can combine “their favorite product is leggings” with they are women aged between 25 and 40 years old, with a predictive attribute such as “top 10% in Future Value.” This provides the perfect lookalike audience for an effective campaign on these social media platforms. 

3.     Supercharge social commerce strategies  

Social commerce involves selling products to your consumers where they enjoy spending their time – like with Gen Z, TikTok, and Snapchat. With Optimove’s new integrations, marketers can ensure coordinated digital campaigns deliver hyper-personalized communications across even more channels.   

This type of selling has become very popular, with many social networks adding capabilities and features to encourage customers to buy directly on their apps. For example, Snapchat recently added new AR shopping features, and TikTok launched its dynamic Shopping Ads comprising video shopping ads, catalog listing ads, and live shopping ads.   

Use Optimove’s smart orchestration to ensure your audiences are optimized for these ads. 

4.     Frictionless social-to-app experiences 

Optimove’s deferred deep links allow you to provide a frictionless customer experience when combining social with commerce. Let’s face it, these days, social media is predominantly mobile.  

Once your customers click an ad, you want to direct them to your app when they already have it installed. If not, you want to direct them to a dedicated landing page. This ensures the optimum customer experience, where they need to click only once to get to the right destination, demanding as little effort as possible from them. Not only does this provide a better experience, but it also shortens the time to conversion.  

Recap in 15 seconds  

  • Customer-led marketing will dominate digital advertising in 2023 
  • You can now deliver personalized ads on TikTok and Snapchat by leveraging your zero- and first-party data like never before 
  • Symmetric multichannel marketing campaigns just became easier, making it possible to give your customers a personalized experience across more channels  
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Dafna Sheinberg

Dafna is a creative marketing content writer and editor who produces strategic content for various online industries. With over ten years of professional writing experience, she helps brands grow and increase profitability, efficiency, and online presence. Dafna holds a B.A. in Persuasive Communications from Reichman University (IDC Herzliya).

Guy Leshno

Guy Leshno, a seasoned PR and Communications professional, with a successful track record in leading PR strategies and projects in emerging startups. With over a decade of experience, his expertise lies in blending creative ideation, analytics, and expert writing capabilities, driving brand awareness, and improving sales.