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Optimizing The In-Platform Player Experience – Part III

The importance of enhancing your in-platform player experience is at an all-time high. While some brands already do it, every player out there expects it. So, in this mini-series finale – we explain how and where you can begin personalizing the in-platform player experience – all in four simple steps. Let’s go!

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In the first part of this series, we discussed why operators need to personalize their in-platform player experience and offered solutions to the challenges that arise. In the second part, we explored how to re-imagine player experiences to provide deeper personalization and a top-notch user experience. 

In the final part, we’ll show you how to get on track to provide players with the optimal in-platform player experience in just four steps. It’s game time! 

Step #1 – Steer Clear of Building In-House 

While building your in-house technology and personalization capabilities may be tempting, it can be much more challenging than you think. Getting to the starting line can take months or even years and can be quite costly. 

Instead, consider partnering with a technology provider and using a multichannel marketing hub with proven results. One that particularly emphasizes and can provide the personalized web experience your players expect and deserve. Compared to developing the tool in-house, this is a significant time, money, and resource saver. 

Remember, it’s not just about the technology itself but how you use it that makes the difference in providing a unique and personal experience for your players. 

Step #2 – Partner Carefully and Focus on Flexibility 

Now that we’ve established that building the necessary capabilities in-house can be challenging and partnering with a technology provider is key – it’s time to choose a partner! 

Focus on flexibility when choosing a technology provider for your in-platform player experience. Look for a provider with self-service capabilities that allow you more control and agility in managing and personalizing the player experience.  

Choose one that empowers you to make changes and customize the system yourself without relying on constant back-and-forth via a service-based relationship. This way, you can take ownership of the process and make the necessary customizations without depending heavily on external service providers, ultimately making your operations more efficient, flexible, and effective.   

Step #3 – Dare to Be Bold but Make Sure You Get Going 

Personalizing the in-platform player experience can seem overwhelming and complex. However, addressing it, being bold, and taking action are needed to get started. We believe in you. 

Once you choose the right partner, have confidence in your ability to progress in improving player experiences from the get-go. Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from embarking on this journey.  

There are so many opportunities to do great things that your players will surely appreciate. In the past, we demonstrated how Optimove’s Digital Experience platform, Opti-X, can help deliver personalized experiences in real-time to keep players engaged and excited during mega-sporting events, ultimately increasing revenue. So, be bold and get going! 

Step #4 – Finally, Leverage Customer-Led Marketing  

Personalization will always be more effective if you get close access to player data. That’s why leveraging a platform that allows you to employ a Customer-Led Marketing strategy is critical to your success. Customer-Led Marketing ensures every marketing action starts with the customer instead of a product or service. 

As part of this approach, brands tailor their in-platform player experiences and base personalization efforts on a broader range of customer data.  

Unlike typical personalization platforms that focus on a narrow slice of data, a Customer-Led Marketing platform considers a broader range of customer attributes and characteristics, allowing you to meet your customer’s needs and preferences and enhance their overall satisfaction and engagement. 

Ready, Set, Go! 

By using customer data to tailor website content, recommendations, and offers, you, too, can create a more personal and relevant experience for each player on your platform. The result? Increased engagement, loyalty, and higher conversion rates. 

Tools like Opti-X, for example, can help brands deliver personalized experiences in real time, significantly increasing customer lifetime value.  

Learn how to combine Optimove’s Digital Experience and Customer-Led Marketing platforms to create holistic journeys that delight players for years to come. 

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Dafna Sheinberg

Dafna is a creative marketing content writer and editor who produces strategic content for various online industries. With over ten years of professional writing experience, she helps brands grow and increase profitability, efficiency, and online presence. Dafna holds a B.A. in Persuasive Communications from Reichman University (IDC Herzliya).