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Optimove’s 2023 Survey Key Highlight: Brands Still Subject Consumers to Marketing Fatigue

In 2023, marketing fatigue became identified as a prevailing challenge for marketers. Optimove’s 2023 surveys highlight its impact on consumers and actions marketers can take now

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Why it Matters:

Marketing fatigue happens when consumers feel overwhelmed by generic and irrelevant messages. It can cause customer alienation, diminished loyalty, and reduced trust and lead to negative brand perception, wasted resources, and lower return on investment. For brands, message relevancy and personalization are key to mitigating marketing fatigue. Both are crucial for maintaining a positive image, sustaining customer engagement, and optimizing marketing strategies to increase customer loyalty and lifetime value.  

Key takeaways:

Consumers are subjected to marketing fatigue across industries. This post highlights Optimove 2023 surveys of more than 2,000 consumers. As consumers say they feel increasingly bombarded by irrelevant marketing messages, they expect brands to step up and improve. Consumers want brands to send fewer irrelevant messages and improve personalization. Consumers are open to more relevant messages.  

Marketers noted awareness of the marketing fatigue challenge and now are acting to mitigate its impact, by adjusting their marketing strategies and investing in the appropriate technology. 

The Consumers’ Perspective 

  • Consumers want fewer messages: 66% of consumers want fewer marketing messages, and 27% feel bombarded by them. When asked if they would like to receive fewer marketing messages, 73% said yes. (Source: 2023 Marketing Fatigue Survey
  • Financial Services clients express dissatisfaction with their ability to personalize solutions: 65% expressed dissatisfaction with their financial institution’s ability to offer personalized financial solutions tailored to their needs. Moreover, 60% of respondents felt that their financial institution lacks adequate proactivity in anticipating and addressing their changing financial needs. (Source: The Optimove Financial Services Provider Survey & Report
  • NFL bettors suffer less marketing fatigue than financial services clients or online shoppers: But it’s still significant — of NFL bettors, 37% want fewer messages. (Source: Optimove’s 2023/24 Report on NFL Wagering

That said, NFL bettors noted that marketers in iGaming are addressing the issue of marketing fatigue. 90% of respondents perceived marketing messages as personalized, with 85% saying operators personalized their site based on the player’s betting preferences. (Source: Optimove’s 2023/24 Report on NFL Wagering

  • Relevancy is the #1 factor in opening a marketer’s email: 62% said “relevancy” was the number one factor in opening an email, followed by “identity of the brand” (14%), “personalized to me beyond my name” (8%), and “catchy subject line” (5%). 11% of respondents will never open marketing emails. (Source: 2023 Marketing Fatigue Survey

How to prevent churn and reactivate customers

The Marketers’ Perspective 

Consumers, inundated with irrelevant messages, demand a shift towards fewer, more relevant communications. Marketers, cognizant of this issue, are increasingly turning to AI solutions, despite some reservations. As brands navigate this landscape, the data underscores the necessity for a client-centric approach, emphasizing tailored communication and the strategic integration of AI to ensure marketing efforts resonate authentically. 

  • Marketers find AI helpful: While 78% of digital marketers find AI helpful in marketing, many are apprehensive and 47% think it’s dangerous. (Source: 2023 Survey of B2C Marketers) 
  • Marketers are aware of the problem of irrelevant messaging: 91% of marketing executives are at least somewhat aware of possible inconsistent messaging or cross-firing campaigns and promotions. (Source: 2023 Survey of B2C Marketers) 
  • Marketers say AI in marketing can help abate marketing fatigue: 88% of marketers increased (or are planning to increase) their AI automated marketing campaigns to deliver more relevant personalized messages. (Source: 2023 Survey of B2C Marketers) 

    Our survey of B2C marketers reveals marketers are increasing investments in specific digital marketing strategies. Increased investments are earmarked for 1) scaling personalization, 2) unifying customer data, 3) AI-based marketing automation, and 4) multi-channel orchestration. (Source: 2023 Survey of B2C Marketers).

Overall, Consumers Trust AI in Marketing 

Consumer trust in brands using AI in marketing is observed in 49%, with 27% “strongly trusting” such brands. (Source: Consumer Perspectives on AI-Driven Brand Marketing Survey

5 Keys to Mitigate Consumer Fatigue  

In light of the growing concern of marketing fatigue among consumers, it is imperative for marketers to take proactive steps to alleviate consumer fatigue and ensure the optimization of customer lifetime value. Here are 5 actions that marketers should consider: 

1.Message Relevancy and Personalization are Paramount:

Marketers should invest in strategies that prioritize message relevancy and personalization, tailoring their communications to individual preferences and behaviors. 

2.Leverage AI Wisely:

AI technology in marketing is widely accepted by consumers. AI offers valuable solutions for delivering personalized and relevant content. Marketers should ensure that AI solutions are proven and tested before using them to automate campaigns and ensure that messages resonate with customers. 

3.Use Data Integration:

Unifying customer data is essential. Marketers should streamline their data sources to gain a holistic view of their customers, enabling them to craft more personalized and targeted messages. 

4.Take an Omnichannel Approach:

Marketers should adopt an omnichannel orchestration strategy to synchronize outreach to consumers through various touchpoints. This approach ensures that messages are cohesive and consistent. 

5.Consumer Trust is Pivotal:

Brands that use AI in marketing need to be transparent about how it benefits consumers and respects their privacy. Building trust is an ongoing effort that can pay significant dividends. 

In summary, addressing marketing fatigue requires that marketing start with the customer. By focusing on message relevancy and personalization through AI, marketers can not only mitigate consumer fatigue but also foster stronger customer relationships, earning a consumer’s loyalty for life. 

The Guide to Re-Engaging Lapsed Customers

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Start AI Journey Orchestration Now  

Achieving true personalization is every marketer’s goal and consumer’s expectation. Marketers can spare their customers from marketing fatigue and delight them at every touchpoint by emphasizing personalization and relevancy in their marketing communications

Optimove’s OptiGenie, the AI-powered, customer-led marketing assistant, helps guide marketers through every step of their workflow: 

  • AI Insights allows marketers to explore, analyze, and discover answers about their customers and campaigns in intuitive and user-friendly ways.  
  • AI Creation simplifies and accelerates the creation of personalized content at scale, that is always on-brand.  
  • AI Orchestration powers campaign and journey testing with dynamic next-best-action optimization across channels and customer touchpoints. 

With OptiGenie, marketers can deliver top-tier, personalized experiences that will keep their customers engaged and happy, a critical step in battling marketing fatigue. Learn more about OptiGenie

For more insights on how to supercharge your marketing strategies, contact us at 

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Rony Vexelman

Rony Vexelman is Optimove’s VP of Marketing. Rony leads Optimove’s marketing strategy across regions and industries. Previously, Rony was Optimove's Director of Product Marketing leading product releases, customer marketing efforts and analyst relations. Rony holds a BA in Business Administration and Sociology from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.