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Alida Winter ‘23 product release: Strengthen connections through personalization

Written by Alida

Published February 07, 2023

Q1 Alida’s winter release bolsters personal connections between companies and their customers with advanced personalization, reporting, and privacy capabilities.


Alida’s Winter 2023 product release helps businesses get closer to their customers than ever before. Enhancements in personalization, reporting, and privacy capabilities are set to strengthen the relationship between your business and your customers.

These new personalization capabilities (behavioral targeting, customizable imagery and language) enable focused targeting, making it easier for your customers to feel heard.

In addition, the Winter 2023 product release brings new reporting capabilities aimed to increase the emotional understanding of your customers and new privacy controls that secure a safe space for sharing.

“Today, as businesses navigate through economic headwinds, it’s imperative that they comprehend their customers’ emotions behind making purchase decisions, deciding whether to be part of a community, or in staying loyal to the brand,” said Riaz Raihan, President of Products of Engineering. “With Alida’s enhanced TXM platform, organizations can better understand how customers think and feel, build personal connections with them, and meet their evolving needs.”

Let’s break down Q1 product news and enhancements:



New personalization capabilities make customers feel heard: Laser-focused targeting prevents survey fatigue, boosts response rates, and increases customer loyalty. 

  • Target progressive survey engagements in digital assets based on customer profiles and behaviors to gather specific feedback across multiple sessions. 
  • Customize imagery and language to match customer geography, industry, and other variables.


New reporting capabilities increase emotional understanding of customers: Stakeholders can better understand how customers think and feel, not just what they say and do.

  • Measure customer sentiment consistently across all survey formats, including video feedback.
  • Transform complex data into easy-to-understand stories with new options for visualizations and to share with stakeholders.
  • Give customers the space to share feedback in their own words with conversational surveys delivered via SMS.

New privacy controls build trust and ensure a safe space for sharing: Customers and employees can be more honest when they know their feedback is private.

  • Set granular access permissions so users see only what they need.
  • Invite guest moderators to conduct video interviews while maintaining confidentiality of customer information.
  • Flag sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) so it can be managed with additional layers of privacy and security controls.

For more information on Alida TXM products and how they can help your organization uncover and action its customers’ truth, visit