Fri.Mar 20, 2020

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Giving Employers a Pulse on Employee Needs During COVID-19


New COVID-19 Survey Template and Unlimited Use of Ad-hoc Surveys to Employees for All Customers for 90 Days.

Customers 204
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Are You Using This Valuable Marketing Tool For Growth?

Beyond Philosophy

People are way more afraid of shark attacks than we should be. The reason we are is the same reason branding works for your organization to attract customers. However, before we get to that, consider the following statistic. Since the year 1580, aka the year we started charting shark attacks, there have been a little over 2,000 shark attacks, of which 471 were fatal.

Marketing 171

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Customer Acquisition Cost: How To Calculate & Reduce

ProProfs Chat

Imagine having new website visitors regularly who are really interested in your services. They seem to love your website and convert a lot. . Also, they provide awesome feedback. . So, at first glance, you’re pretty happy with the performance of your business. But in spite of that, you realize that somehow you haven’t managed to generate satisfying profits.

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Learning the Benefits of Virtual Training

Integrity Solutions

Today, there’s a lot that we can’t control. But there’s a lot that we can. Virtual learning is one way to maintain connection to business goals- and each other. So, you’re suddenly working from home. Join the club! No, literally, join the club. Over the past few weeks, many people have joined communities of fellow co-workers, online, filled with other people whom they had previously not known.

Travel 94
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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Can I Work a Customer Service Job from Home?

Customers That Stick

SPECIAL NOTE: This video was pre-recorded prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the shutting down of many face-to-face businesses. While we certainly would have made it more current in content and tone for the current circumstances if recording today, we still think the underlying answer to this question is worth sharing. Prior to the current situation, the ability to work customer service jobs from home was increasing both as the technology and benefits of a distributed workforce increased.

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What is ‘Effective Customer Engagement Strategy’ in the Age of COVID-19?


Customer experience (CX) is fast overtaking price and product as a key brand differentiator. And in a world where social distancing and even sheltering-in-place have become the new norm, an omnichannel approach is now more important than ever. Companies are scrambling to keep pace with the shifts in customer behavior since the outbreak of COVID-19. At the same time, they are having to address evolving customer expectations, digital transformation, multiple online channels, and emerging CX capabi

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The importance of video connectivity in today’s crisis


Date: Friday, March 20, 2020 Author: Pauline Ashenden - Marketing Manager The importance of video connectivity in today’s crisis. Published on: March 20, 2020. Author: Pauline Ashenden - Marketing Manager Given the current coronavirus pandemic, many employees across the world are now working from home, often for the very first time. How can businesses support them effectively using technology, especially video connectivity?

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Customer-Centric Voice of the Customer


Customer-Centric Voice of the Customer Lynn Hunsaker. Customer-centric voice of the customer may seem automatic: it’s the customer’s voice, so isn’t it automatically customer-centric? Nope. “Centric” means “being at the center”, and if your voice-of-customer is asking about you, then it’s not really asking about them.

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Get your contact center staff working remotely NOW


An unprecedented challenge. The coronavirus pandemic is like nothing in our lifetime. Every day brings more global news of measures to control the spread of the virus — closure of schools, restaurants, stores, sporting events and more. Social distancing is the mantra of the day. Large gatherings of all kinds are being shut down. Grocery stores can’t keep goods on shelves as people stock up and hunker down.

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Manual Call Reviews? Theres a Better Way!

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 If so, this webinar is for you! What was once a common practice in the call center is now a barrier to success. Manual call monitoring is no longer an option if you want to proactively coach your agents to ultimately improve the customer experience using data-driven insights. Join this webinar with Angie Kronlage and April Wiita of Working Solutions to discuss how you can modernize outdated, manual call review processes through the power of autom

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8 Insightful Customer Journey Analytics Examples and Use Cases


By Stephanie Ventura Customer-centric enterprises are increasing their investment in technologies that enable teams to measure and improve CX, while achieving key business outcomes such as maximizing customer lifetime value, reducing costs and more. Over the past few years, CX leaders have adopted customer journey analytics to connect the dots between customer behavior and the KPIs by which businesses are measured.

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Google My Business: Using the Bulk Location Feature and Managing Bulk Edits


If you have a multi-location business, then time is of the essence. Marketing efforts should always be leveraged to work across every unit for cost and time efficiency, and to ensure brand alignment. When it comes to online brand presence, you are probably well aware of the importance of Google My Business as a means to improve your online exposure, ranking, and the ability for your customers to engage with your business using Google tools such as Maps, Knowledge Panel click-to-dial and Google S

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Guest Post: Power to the People – 5 Ways to Elevate the Agent Experience


This week we feature an article* by Candace Sheitelman, CMO at Edify. She shares five different strategies to build a stronger and more effective employee experience. According to Gallup’s recent polls, 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Think about that for a moment—that’s a staggeringly high number. If 50 people work in your contact center, that’s like saying only 6.5 of them actually care about what’s going on in your business.

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4 ways to maximise the value of your loyalty program

Currency Alliance

There are really only four ways to create value for all stakeholders in a loyalty program: maintain low operating costs, and funnel the savings into rewards. add complementary partners in every spending category so the program and the currency are more useful and interesting. share customer insight among partners, so you know how to maximize lifetime value for each customer, and can create more personalized engagement. source aspirational redemption options at better cost, so the value of your l

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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7 Tips for Managing a Remote Customer Support Team

Team Support

For a variety of reasons, be it a cultural shift in the workplace or a major event like COVID-19, more companies have employees working remotely with little to no in-person interaction. And, for every time there's a remote employee, there's also someone who's tasked with managing a remote team. So, how can you keep a support team happy and working together when they are 10, 100, or even 1,000 miles apart?

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Guest Post: Power to the People – 5 Ways to Elevate the Agent Experience


This week we feature an article* by Candace Sheitelman, CMO at Edify. She shares five different strategies to build a stronger and more effective employee experience. According to Gallup’s recent polls, 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Think about that for a moment—that’s a staggeringly high number. If 50 people work in your contact center, that’s like saying only 6.5 of them actually care about what’s going on in your business.

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CX Club – Round 9 – Company Culture

Ian Williams

In this next video in the CX Club series, Adrian Snook from Learning Accelerators and Ian Williams from Jericho look at company culture in terms of the way it relates to customer experience. Is there such a thing as a single company culture? #customerexperience #cx #cem #culture #companyculture. __. Ian: Hello everyone and welcome to CX club. I’d like to welcome my esteemed colleague Adrian Snook from learning accelerators.

Culture 52
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5 Proven Benefits Of An Order Taking Call Center

Magellan Solutions

Outsourcing an order taking call center is the ultimate choice. Along with convenience, personalized service is one of the keys to enhancing customer experience. . While there’s nothing wrong with an automated answering service, this is not what customers prefer. They seek someone who can immediately address their needs and concerns, especially when ordering food and other necessities through the phone.

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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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How Will Advertisers Reach Sports Fans with The World Stuck Inside?


With no real end of the Coronavirus, aka Covid-19 in sight, how will companies and brands reach sports fans on their couches, when so much of their regular advertisements are typically tied up in live sports? Next Generation AI-powered consumer and marketing intelligence reveals all, including some options for brands to pursue. Shifting Funds and an Opportunity for Digital Marketing.

Sports 67
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Join our Expert Day on Crisis Management 3/24


We understand that the time you have to get up to speed on this crisis is critically short; people have tons of questions about how to manage this new environment and need help ASAP. That is why we are hosting an Expert Event in our Atlas Community next Tuesday, March 24th. We have invited some of our most experienced customers, employees, strategists, consultants, and partners to spend some precious time to answer questions and share best practices around digital engagement, community managemen

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Getting Digital CX Right Amid The Pandemic

Forrester's Customer Insights

Emotion is the most important dimension of CX quality — even for digital. Our CX Index™ data proves it. That goes double given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read three ways to ensure you're delivering emotionally relevant CX during this difficult time.

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Email Marketing in the Wake of COVID-19: Keeping your program healthy


The COVID-19 pandemic currently impacting our world is something I once only believed was possible in Hollywood movies – schools being closed for more than a month in some areas, entire companies forcing employees to work from home, restaurants and bars closing and the scary thoughts of how this is impacting our economies all while we worry about keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe and comforted during the ever-changing turning of events while they unfold.

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Customer Experience Myths Guidebook

A CX myth is something widely believed or implemented that is based on “how we’ve always done it” thinking, rather than delivering truly innovative customer experiences. What CX myths are holding organizations back from top-level customer experience performance? What can companies do to find solid ground and move forward successfully? In this guidebook, we answer those questions and more as we explore three key myths and two strategies that you can use to replace them.

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The Goldilocks Principle in Customer Success: Finding the ‘Just Right’ Skill Balance


The Goldilocks Principle in Customer Success: Finding the ‘Just Right’ Skill Balance. Not too hard, not too soft, Customer Success skills need to be “just right. ” Or do they? Spun from the beloved children’s fairytale about a home invasion conducted by an unsupervised, malnourished child (thanks, Reddit ), the Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes.

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How a CX Focus Can Get People to Actually Like Doing Their Taxes


For most people, doing taxes is a chore. But a strange thing can happen to those who use modern tax prep solutions—they may even enjoy it. How could this be? We get an impression early in life that taxes are tedious, complex, and stressful. Yet in spite of this, brands like TurboTax and H&R Block leverage customer experience sweet spots that make tax filing a relative pleasure.

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Evaluate And Adjust Your VoC Program To Improve CX During COVID-19

Forrester's Customer Insights

Earlier this week, CX research directors David Truog and Harley Manning published a blog post that highlights two key points that I urge CX leaders who manage VoC programs to consider: understanding your customers is critical right now, and it is time to adapt your approach to CX. When it comes to your VoC program: […].

Blog 62
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Keeping healthcare systems running at peak performance


To provide the care patients need during the COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare workers need increased support and resources to perform their jobs and keep healthcare systems running at peak performance. Keeping healthcare workers safe and equipped with the support and resources they need is crucial to providing the care patients require during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption

Unlock the full potential of your educational initiatives with the 11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption eBook. You’ll uncover: Why measure content consumption rather than (or in addition to) completion rates and member satisfaction? What are some proven tactics to create quality learner content and raise your content consumption rates? Discover the secrets from leading experts in the field, distilled into practical tips that promise to elevate the quality of your educational offerings,