Mon.Mar 22, 2021

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5 Top Customer Service Articles For the Week of March 22, 2021


Each week I read a number of customer service and customer experience articles from various resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too. Forget Customer Experience. Forget Employee Experience. Enter Total Experience by David Roe. (CMSWire) ECM and content services, while related, are not the same.

2021 137
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Best Technologies for Small Businesses

Win the Customer

Running and maintaining a small business is a challenge. Because of limited personnel and limited financial resources, small business owners often need to wear multiple hats to keep their business afloat like the use of another address for their mailbox company. The Importance of Using a Secure Fax and a virtual office address where the service provider will forward all of your mail, this is a really good one for Modern technology has made it easier for small business owners to manage and trac


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Reflecting at the Year Mark: 3 Lessons on Leadership from a Year of Coronavirus

Customer Bliss

As we round the corner on the one-year mark of this pandemic, I want to take a moment to reflect on some of the key lessons that still hold true. Even as more people get the vaccine and we slowly edge into “normal life,” it’s vital for us not to waste this opportunity. We must take the lessons of this last year and use them to shape how we lead our organizations into the future.

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Why WPS Health Solutions Puts Member Experience First


WPS Health Solutions is a not-for-profit health insurance provider with a footprint that extends across the United States. Over its 75-year history, WPS has grown from a regional player in the Wisconsin market to become a leading force in the U.S. health insurance sector. The company offers a wide range of insurance products, working closely with members, employers, and the medical community to support a higher quality of care.

Insurance 130
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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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What Does an Allergy Have To Do With Customer Service?

Steve DiGioia

Those of us in the customer service industry focus much on procedures, ease of use, product availability, and the steps of service, to name a few, all in the hopes of providing our customers the best overall experience. When we have these processes down pat, we believe that’s “all we need” to ensure a steady stream of satisfied customers. But we’re leaving out a significant aspect of service and something very valuable for a customer in need.

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When Rolling Out New Services Make Sure You Set Achievable Expectations

Middlesex Consulting

In field service, achievable exceptions drive customer satisfaction. In 1988 Michael R. Mantell wrote a book “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all Small Stuff.” Now we know that Mantell was wrong when it comes to Field Service. Here is the real story! In the coming months and years, it is likely that your organization […]. The post When Rolling Out New Services Make Sure You Set Achievable Expectations appeared first on Middlesex Consulting.

Books 78
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B2B vs. B2C Marketing: What Are the Main Differences?


As a former B2B SaaS content and SEO lead who’s an avid consumer of “can’t miss deals” on cashback sites, I’ve tasted both B2B and B2C marketing flavors. I can sum them up like this: B2B marketing is the multi-course, fine-dining meal where the chef comes out and describes each dish in detail. In contrast, consumer marketing is the White Castle Crave Case you grab from the drive-thru when you know that you probably shouldn’t, but also know that it would be oh-

B2C 85
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What should consumer technology companies learn from traditional loyalty?


Consumer technology companies focus on building great products as their primary loyalty strategy, relying on an “if you build it, they will come” mentality. But for many companies, this isn’t […]. The post What should consumer technology companies learn from traditional loyalty? appeared first on PK.

Loyalty 75
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How CCM Helps Facilitate Insurance Customer Journeys


The customer is always right. Right? Well, as time-tested as that may be, the underlying concept determining customer satisfaction is much more nuanced than someone being right or someone else being wrong. Businesses exist only because customers exist. To put it plainly, without buyers, there is no selling. Narrow down the scope and you find that businesses failing to prioritize the customer experience quickly fall out of grace and even risk going out of business.

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Combat CX uncertainty with these daily, weekly & monthly agile management practices


Engagement Combat CX uncertainty with 7 agile practices.

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Best Technologies for Small Businesses

Win the Customer

Running and maintaining a small business is a challenge. Because of limited personnel and limited financial resources, small business owners often need to wear multiple hats to keep their business afloat such as using an easy online payment service for their customers like this personal injury attorney pay-per-click management tool The Importance of Using a Secure Fax and a virtual office address where the service provider will forward all of your mail, this is a really good one for Modern tec

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Best Call Center Outsourcing Philippines

Magellan Solutions

What are call centre services Philippines. There are other Southeast Asian countries that offer cost-saving services. But most American companies still prefer the Philippines. It is mainly because of the skilled workforce and lower call center pricing. It’s the main reason why it would be better if you outsource here. It’s that simple. Below are the top channel of communication for call center outsourcing: Phone conversation.

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An Inside Look at COVID-19 Vaccine Strategies that Work

Think Customers

State and local healthcare organizations are facing multiple challenges in getting COVID-19 vaccines to communities. Andy Martin, group vice president at TTEC, shares insights and best practices that he and his team have gathered from their work helping public and private sector health organizations address those very challenges as the vaccine rollout continues.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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Business Communication 101: 6 Ways to Motivate Student Employees

CSM Magazine

A great number of students combine education with work nowadays. They are actively employed on their often first jobs that are an important milestone. While one might think that the paycheck is the best motivator for student employees, it is usually not the case. It is not enough to keep them engaged with the company’s values and care about their career.

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How To Win Buyers And Influence Sales with Insurance BPO

Magellan Solutions

Insurance BPO is a gold mine. Not everyone knows of its strength, power, and capabilities in winning buyers and influencing sales. A buyer is a person who is buying or intending to purchase something. Finding buyers is easy, but converting them into sales is difficult. That is why Insurance Business Process Outsourcing exists. It helps you find buyers and make sales faster.

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7 conseils pour un tunnel de paiement fluide et efficace


Découvrez comment améliorer votre tunnel de paiement numérique et augmenter le taux de conversion.

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Danone, The Green Revolution, And The Next Wave Of Business Transformation

Forrester's Customer Insights

Last Friday, my daughter — who will soon turn 15 — participated in her first demonstration, one organized by Fridays for Future. She’s passionate about climate change and biodiversity. I was 12 years old when the Chernobyl disaster occurred, but I was (and still am) passionate about politics. The fall of the Berlin Wall was […].

B2C 33
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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How to close experience gaps with DEI technology


Getting DEI right is critical for your employee experience. Here's how to start taking action to close experience gaps and improve DEI within your organization. . The business and social imperative for the inclusion of diverse talent has been well established for many years. However, the universally radical disruption in all spheres of our lives over the past 12+ months has highlighted just how urgently we need enduring and sustainable change.

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Announcing Forrester’s First Now Tech On Cross-Channel Campaign Management In Asia Pacific

Forrester's Customer Insights

In case you missed, Now Tech: Cross-Channel Campaign Management In Asia Pacific, Q1 2021 is out, where we covered 27 key CCCM players in the region. Contextual. Relevant. Personalized. – The three words that every customer longs for and every marketer strives for. The pace of consumer behavior change has mutated this year as a […].

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Take the Data Science and Machine Learning Survey

Bob Hayes

Data Science Roles and Their Skill Sets. An excellent way to learn about a subject is to ask people involved in that subject. Specifically, to learn about data science and machine learning, it is good to ask data professionals who work in those areas. A few years ago, I conducted a study by asking data professionals about their data science experience; I basically applied data science to the field of data science.

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Mar 22 – Customer Success Jobs


Role: Director of Customer Success Location: Remote, New York City Metropolitan Area, US Organization: Eulerity As a Director of Customer Success, you will manage the Customer Success Team to ensure proper client assignments, data-driven insight, and continuing optimal service quality. Oversee post-sales efforts to maintain and grow existing clients.

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Customer Experience Myths Guidebook

A CX myth is something widely believed or implemented that is based on “how we’ve always done it” thinking, rather than delivering truly innovative customer experiences. What CX myths are holding organizations back from top-level customer experience performance? What can companies do to find solid ground and move forward successfully? In this guidebook, we answer those questions and more as we explore three key myths and two strategies that you can use to replace them.

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4 reasons to build transactional data into your business


There’s no one way to build out a customer profile. Today, businesses can draw on a variety of data sources to create an in-depth picture of their customers—from who they are and what they need and want to what they think and feel, and how they behave. However, of the many sophisticated tools and resources you can draw upon to deepen your understanding of your customers, transactional data is one of the most valuable.

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Customer Portfolio Management for Customer Success


A customer portfolio consists of all the details you need to maintain a relationship with your customer. Through this, you are able to know your customer well and engage with them effectively. Customer portfolio management is done through tools like ERP, CRM, or customer success software that collects and stores all the customer data at one central location.

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Your Power To Outsource Data Entry In Manila

Magellan Solutions

Advantages of outsourcing data entry projects in different industries. Healthcare. In healthcare, transcription services are the most common data being processed. Medical transcription services are medical reports. These are being gathered from audio files by health-workers. From the audio recording they transcribe it as a written document and stored for their own records.

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Infographic: Supercharge Your Marketplace with Ecommerce Best Practices


Uplight looked to some of the leaders in ecommerce for lessons that energy providers can apply to their own utility Marketplaces. Read the infographic to learn more! The post Infographic: Supercharge Your Marketplace with Ecommerce Best Practices appeared first on Uplight.

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11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption

Unlock the full potential of your educational initiatives with the 11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption eBook. You’ll uncover: Why measure content consumption rather than (or in addition to) completion rates and member satisfaction? What are some proven tactics to create quality learner content and raise your content consumption rates? Discover the secrets from leading experts in the field, distilled into practical tips that promise to elevate the quality of your educational offerings,