Sat.Jul 22, 2017 - Fri.Jul 28, 2017

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4 CX Metrics That Help You Hear Your Customers


Customer feedback plays a huge role in customer experience management. We put together a shortlist of CX metrics every company can benefit from tracking.

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Healthcare CX for over 13 million members, With Geeta Wilson – CB61

Customer Bliss

Episode Overview. Geeta Wilson is the VP, Consumer Experience – Enterprise Transformation at Humana, where she’s been since late 2013. In this episode, we primarily discuss how and when to know an organization is ready for customer-driven change. One interesting point (that I loved) which comes up here is how you absolutely need to honor the past as you shape the future, in any organization.


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5 CX trends business leaders need to watch


Consumers are looking for more than low prices. They want a better customer experience (CX) and are willing to pay for it. While retail giants such as WalMart and Amazon have both risen to success by reducing their price, 81 percent of customers indicate that they’re willing to pay more online and in-store for a superior customer experience, according to a recent Capgemini report. “The Disconnected Customer: What Digital CX Leaders Teach Us About Reconnecting with Customers,” also found 90

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Customer Centricity Requires All Four CX Core Competencies

Experience Matters

As most readers of this blog will likely know, customer-centric organizations must master Four CX Core Competencies: Purposeful Leadership, Compelling Brand Values, Employee Engagement, and Customer Connectedness. It turns out that you’re only as good as your weakest link. Here’s what it looks like when you fall short in one of these areas: Without Purposeful Leadership the company is Stagnant.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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4 CX Metrics That Help You Hear Your Customers


Customer feedback plays a huge role in customer experience management. We put together a shortlist of CX metrics every company can benefit from tracking.

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Just Stop It!


There’s an old joke that goes something like this: A guy goes to the doctor. He raises his arm and complains, “It hurts when I do this.” The doc says, “Then don’t do that.”. In other words, “Stop it!”. That reminds me of a very funny video I saw on YouTube that features comedian Bob Newhart. It’s called “Stop It!”. In the video, Bob Newhart is a therapist and his patient is complaining about a problem she is having.

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Why customer experience needs to be led from the top


Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 Why customer experience needs to be led from the top. Published on: July 26, 2017. Author: Olivier Njamfa In today’s ultra-competitive world, senior managers understand the importance of customer experience to corporate success. 72% of companies surveyed by Forrester said improving customer experience was their top business priority, while in Gartner research, CEOs listed customers as their second biggest focus , ahead of workforce, and just behind growth.

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What Support Metrics Should SaaS Companies be Using?


CSAT. NPS. TTFR – So many acronyms, so little time! As a support team manager, you’re already wearing a ton of hats – bet you didn’t think data wizard would be one of them, huh? But this is your life as a manager developing a SaaS customer support model that scales. And there’s so many metrics you can track ! It can leave you feeling overwhelmed with a lot of decisions to make about data.

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Unbelievable! Does Car Buying HAVE To Be SO Bad?

Beyond Philosophy

So a couple of months ago, Lorraine and I headed out to our local Jeep dealership. And thus began an excellent case study in how NOT to treat your customers. When we arrived, I told the salesman I wasn’t going to buy anything that day. But the salesman cornered me into a negotiation anyway. I sat in an uncomfortable chair for most of the afternoon while this fellow disappeared time and again, emerging each time with a new lower price written on a sheet of paper.

Webinar 111
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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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From Tattoos To Testimonials: How Cisco Energized Over 700 European Brand Advocates (In Just 4 Months)


In 2016, Cristina Melluzzi, Head of Customer Advocacy EMEAR at Cisco, was facing something lots of B2B companies can relate to: having an internal fire drill every time Cisco needed customers for references, speaking opportunities, analyst interviews, and case studies. Cisco had a traditional reference program with around 100 European customers that sales and marketing.

2016 83
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Chase Clemons Discusses How to Create Customer Happiness


Chase Clemons Discusses How to Create Customer Happiness. How can we move from just satisfying our customers, to making them truly happy, which results in loyalty? Shep Hyken interviews Chase Clemons, a highly-experienced customer service professional at Basecamp, who tells us how to go above and beyond for your customers. First Up: Shep Hyken’s opening comments focus on how, when your customer calls you, they need to know three things: That you know them.

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“I’m new to CX – what do I do?” Seven Steps for the New CX Leader 

Heart of the Customer

One of the pleasures of my role is that I get to meet people new to customer experience (CX). Being a relatively new discipline, CX doesn’t have much bench strength, so we bring in others from other disciplines who have the passion, but not the experience. This post is dedicated to those who have a passion […]. The post “I’m new to CX – what do I do?

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6 Common Misconceptions Regarding Vendors’ Data Security Risk

QuestionPro Audience

Do Any of These Beliefs about Data Security Risk Sound Familiar? #1 If a vendor has been certified as PCI or HIPAA compliant, procurement can skip the security review. Not a good idea. Regulatory compliance is just one data point. A vendor can be PCI compliant on a very specific portion of its technology yet have weak controls in other areas .

2014 60
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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The 3 Life Cycle Sales Events of a B2B Service Contract; Revenue Sources That Can Keep on Giving

Middlesex Consulting

Ron Giuntini, CEO/Founder of G35 Software, wrote this post. Introduction. This post is a high level overview of the whole service contract scene. If it were a course, it would be called Service Marketing 101. B2B service contracts, also referred to as an extended warranty, extended service contract, and managed services, have been around for decades.

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4 Ways to Gather Business Intelligence on Your Customers’ Buying Habits

Joe Rawlinson

Paying attention to your customers’ buying habits can pay off. Using customer analytics to track buyer behavior can boost your sales, customer satisfaction and customer retention by as much as 25 percent, Quantzig data shows. Studying your customers’ purchasing patterns is so effective because it enables you to tailor your marketing and sales tactics toward the preferences of your target market and even toward the habits of individual customers.

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5 Important Questions You Should Ask in Your Customer Feedback Survey


Recently, when I was checking what’s new on Linkedin, I came across an interesting post. One of the Customer Service Champion members asked a question: Why are Customer Support and Customer Service not important to early-stage startups? She described a chat she had with a founder of a startup about starting a job with them. When she mentioned company’s bad reviews on social media.

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Richard Branson’s Rules for Customer Experience Success

Michel Falcon Experience

The post Richard Branson’s Rules for Customer Experience Success appeared first on Michel Falcon: Entrepreneur, Advisor, Keynote Speaker.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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My Take: 2017 World Congress on Positive Psychology

Experience Matters

I recently attended the fifth annual World Congress on Positive Psychology (WCPP) in Montreal with Aimee and Karen. It was four amazing four days of inspiration and reflection. I’m already looking forward to the next WCPP in Melbourne in 2019 (it’s a bi-annual event). As I did after the the last congress, I’m sharing my thoughts and observations from the four day event.

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5 Top Customer Service Articles for the Week of July 24, 2017


Each week I read a number of customer service and experience articles from various online resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too. What do older generations want from customer service? by Roxanne Abercrombie. (CustomerThink) It may surprise you that one in five Twitter users are aged over 50, over 59 per cent of seniors have made an online purchase in the past three months, and a colossal 28 milli

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The Ultimate Guide for Using Reddit to Help Your Small Business


Even though it often gets lumped into the same category as all the other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, Reddit is rather different. Not just in terms of looks and functionality, but also in terms of its users, which it has plenty of, 234 million to be exact, whose visits amount to over 8 billion page views per month. Those are some staggering numbers, staggering enough to make Reddit the 7th most popular website.

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This Is the Only Way You’ll Get an Angry Customer to Calm Down

Myra Golden

If your customer is raising his voice, cutting you off, or is clearly upset, he is stuck in the right side of the brain. To help this customer calm down, you’re going to have to move him to the left side of the brain. No other approach you take will defuse anger if you don’t first move over to the left brain. Psychologists talk about what they call the communication chain.

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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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Using Feedback to Drive Customer Loyalty


by CallidusCloud CX Guest Blogger, Daniel Newman. ~~~. Everyone in my company knows I drink Dunkin’ Donuts coffee every morning. I love the taste. I love the loyalty program. I love that I can place my order by mobile and have it hot and ready right when I walk in the door. There is literally no way I would stop somewhere else for caffeine on my way into work.

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Guest Blog: Becoming a Blockbuster?


This week we feature an article by Ted Janusz who writes about how customers are always looking for a better customer experience. It’s important to stay up to date on new technology and trends in order to keep your customers and attract new ones. . Was this a typical Friday event for you and your family? Would you or your parents drive to your neighborhood Blockbuster store, hoping to get a copy of the latest movie release before they would all be rented?

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How Will Virtual Agents, Robots, RPA, and New Technology Impact Your Contact Center?

West Monroe

You will be able to guess my approximate age when I tell you that I grew up in a house that had a rotary phone. My fingers were so happy when my family finally installed a few touchtone phones. Now, I don’t even have a home phone, and Alexa is one of my favorite additions to the house. I don’t know how I would survive without Siri. These intelligent agents are making our lives so easy.

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Call Center Industry Trends Mid Year 2017 Report

Magellan Solutions

The call center industry finds itself in an exciting and challenging place this time of the year. The call center industry of the Philippines, in particular, is still experiencing robust growth a couple years after it was recognized as the new call center capital of the world, leading to optimistic predictions by industry leaders and government officials.

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Revolutionizing Contact Centers: Next-Gen Tech for Enhanced CX

Speaker: Liran Meir Frenkel, Performance Management and RPA Sr Product Marketing Manager at NICE; Harpreet Makan, Practice Director at Everest Group; & Santhosh Kumar, Practice Director at Everest Group

As contact centers navigate the challenges of delivering excellence within budget constraints and adapting to evolving employee expectations, optimizing agent tasks becomes crucial. Discover a holistic approach across three pillars - people, process, and technology - that is essential to excel in this dynamic landscape, and explore how next-gen technologies such as generative AI, performance analytics, and process intelligence play a pivotal role in transforming contact centers into advanced CX