Mon.Dec 16, 2019

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The Importance of Customer Feedback for the Food Industry


Having a great restaurant and serving great food at competitive prices is no longer enough. Your customers want more, so you need to meet and exceed their expectations. Without that, you’ll struggle to earn their loyalty, deal with a bad reputation, and you’ll eventually lose them. But you already know what you need to do: collect customer feedback.

Feedback 195
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Hark the Herald Agents Sing: It’s Holiday Season in the Contact Center!


Heading out of the office this holiday to grab some eggnog and enjoy the lights? While so many of us are off celebrating the festive season for days at a time, there are scores of people on the frontlines working to keep everything running smoothly in industries ranging from health care, to transportation, to broadcasting to, yes, customer care. Before we sign off for the holiday break, we want to give shouts to all the frontline agents and coaches holding it down for clients and customers in co


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Do You Have a Strategy to Elevate Your Company for Decades to Come?

Customer Bliss

Can I be blunt? I mean, we’re friends, right? For longer than you can imagine, I’ve been on the front lines of corporate efforts to be more responsive to customers, which also implies to be more successful in the marketplace. Here’s the lesson I’ve learned: No amount of tactical improvements will elevate your company above all others. The only thing that will do this is to have a vision of how your company will be viewed 20 years or more from now.

Retail 209
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Is A 4.5-Star Rating Better Than 5 Stars?


Does your organization really want five-star reviews across the board? It’s easy to dismiss the question as silly. Of course you want five-star reviews (!) — especially in the age of Yelp, Facebook, and TripAdvisor. If the kind of customer feedback posted publicly on online review sites and social media channels can indeed make or break your business, wouldn’t you rather everything be positive and perfect and full of praise?

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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Michel Falcon Experience

I didn’t finish post-secondary university to earn my business degree (BA) nor do I have an MBA. I don’t believe either teach you how to properly fire someone. Whether they do or not, many people I know leading companies and teams haven’t properly been taught how to either. When I read Bob Iger’s book he outlined his philosophy on how to fire someone. .

Books 78

More Trending

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Why You Can’t Totally Trust Negative Online Reviews


Why You Can’t Totally Trust Negative Online Reviews. People often take negative reviews more seriously than positive reviews. After all: that one bad review may be the most accurate one and you won’t by harmed by not purchasing it. But there are good reasons to be skeptical of negative online reviews. And it isn’t just because angry customers are more likely to vent publicly.

Travel 98
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How to Be a Better Retail Customer During the Holidays

Steve DiGioia

The “holidays” are everyone’s favorite time of year. Time to share a meal with great company, whether family, friends, or coworkers. It’s a happy, festive time for all. But, is it? Those working in the retail industry may have a different take on the holidays. For them, it’s a time for stress, a time to deal with frantic shoppers looking for the perfect gift, and a time to work long hours with little time for themselves.

Retail 96
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Customer-driven future: Indonesian Customer Experience Trends to watch for in 2020


Indonesian Customer Experience Trends to watch for in 2020. A report by SurveySensum revealed preferences of 1000 consumers across 25 categories and 300+ brands in Indonesia. Today, customer experience is perhaps the most important aspect for any business to succeed. It was not too long ago when businesses claimed that the key to winning customers is in the product or service they deliver.

2020 52
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3 Secrets to Managing CX Through an Acquisition


Is your bank growing through acquisitions? If the answer yes, you know that mergers and acquisitions are never easy. Banks do their best to focus on systems, processes, employees and customers – ensuring alignment and smooth transition. But in our experience, customer experience typically takes a hit. If you are going through a merger or acquisition and measuring NPS, it's not unusual to see a 10 to 40-point dip in your scores.

Banking 54
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Manual Call Reviews? Theres a Better Way!

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 If so, this webinar is for you! What was once a common practice in the call center is now a barrier to success. Manual call monitoring is no longer an option if you want to proactively coach your agents to ultimately improve the customer experience using data-driven insights. Join this webinar with Angie Kronlage and April Wiita of Working Solutions to discuss how you can modernize outdated, manual call review processes through the power of autom

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Christmas Advertising that Connects Emotionally Cuts-Through the Clutter

Maru Group

Amazon and Aldi crowned most effective UK Christmas ads of 2019. The UK Christmas advertising campaign is well under way, with big name retailers and grocers, including John Lewis, Amazon and Aldi, all buying for our attention and hard-earned cash. The lavish productions grow each year. It’s rumoured that John Lewis spent £8million last year on its ad featuring Elton John, while the industry as a whole was estimated to have spent a staggering £6.4billion on Christmas advertising efforts in

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Fully Utilize Start, Stop, Continue to Improve Your Customer Experience

Myra Golden

One of the tools I use to improve the customer experience with my clients immediately is Start, Stop, Continue. I gather a team together and ask them what we need to Start, Stop, and Continue to do with the customer experience. Sitting at my desk just now, I sketched out Start, Stop, and Continue for a restaurant that just ruined a chance for a significant catering event.

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Christmas Advertising that Connects Emotionally and Cuts Through Advertising Clutter

Maru Group

Amazon and Aldi crowned most effective UK Christmas ads of 2019. The UK Christmas advertising campaign is well underway, with big-name retailers and grocers, including John Lewis, Amazon and Aldi, all buying for our attention and hard-earned cash. The lavish productions grow each year. It’s rumoured that John Lewis spent £8 million last year on its ad featuring Elton John, while the industry as a whole was estimated to have spent a staggering £6.4 billion on Christmas advertising efforts i

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Roundup: Top 10 Content Pieces of 2019


Ah, the end of another year. It’s a time for reflecting on the recent past and thinking forward to what the new year might bring as you sip a hot beverage and gaze out a window into the cold. At Comm100, we look back at which of our content pieces were the most popular and think about what this tells us about trends in customer experience, conversational AI, and support centers in 2019.

2019 52
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What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

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9 Sales Pet Peeves That Hurt Your Deals in 2019


In 2019, many advances were made in the field of customer experience. But as the old adage goes, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same – especially when it comes to common sales mistakes. We asked CX professionals for their greatest pet peeves of 2019, and they let us in on classic mistakes that got under their skin both as salespeople and from the customer point-of-view.

2019 57
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Prioritizing Customer Success Is Key In The Subscription Economy


Sunil Mittal talks about the role Customer Success plays in a subscription economy and how it helps shape the overall customer experience.

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Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service: The Past, Present, and Future


Getting the customer experience right is a delicate balance. Sure, you might be able to check your bank account balance thanks to the friendly robot on the phone—but if you actually wanted to talk to a person about an issue with your account and you’re left on hold for five minutes while the recorded operator recites a menu without one opportunity to talk to a human, you might be ready to shift your paycheck elsewhere. . 97 percent of consumers said that a bad buying experience will

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Contact Centre Analytics – 3 Important Trends to Watch

NICE inContact

Are you looking for ways to boost agent performance and improve your customers experience in 2020? As you start to plan for the new year, keeping a pulse on technology innovations and understanding what your customers want will be critical to providing an exceptional experience and staying one step ahead of the competition.

2020 62
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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Customer Learning

Every decision that goes into your learning monetization strategy matters for your organization’s bottom line. Our research has shown a clear correlation between high program maturity (and ROI!) and choosing the right monetization strategy. This eBook contains clear, actionable ways to approach packaging and pricing models that will help your association grow revenue, improve profitability, and drive expansion into new markets.

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Using Social Analytics to Determine Channel Targeting


. Knowing where to direct ad spend for promotions and other campaigns is super important. Wasting budget on a social site that your target segment doesn’t frequent is tragic, and easily avoided by using social analytics to determine channel targeting! Understanding the sources your social analytics tool is retrieving data from is step one. Because if it isn’t capturing the larger conversation web-wide, you’ll miss out on talking points and trends that are headed your way wherever you end up.

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CXNext Live: 3 CX Predictions for 2020


It’s not just a new year. It’s a new decade. And in the fast-moving world of customer experience (CX), you can expect some meaningful changes and evolutions. To peer into what’s coming in 2020, we recently sat down with Nate Brown, co-founder of CX Accelerator, for Episode 9 of CXNext Live. Together, we came up with three main areas where CX is transforming and your biggest opportunities to differentiate your company in 2020. 1.

2020 40
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The Right Way To Prioritize Customer Experience Projects

Forrester's Customer Insights

“Which CX improvement project should we do first?” Forrester’s CX research team gets that question a lot. The good news is that picking the right projects and doing them in the right order can be relatively easy – provided the customer experience team sets up their measurement program to populate a simple but effective prioritization […].

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The Importance of Customer Feedback for the Food Industry


In this article we explore five reasons why you need to collect customer feedback if you work in the food industry.

Feedback 195
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Customer Experience Myths Guidebook

A CX myth is something widely believed or implemented that is based on “how we’ve always done it” thinking, rather than delivering truly innovative customer experiences. What CX myths are holding organizations back from top-level customer experience performance? What can companies do to find solid ground and move forward successfully? In this guidebook, we answer those questions and more as we explore three key myths and two strategies that you can use to replace them.

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The Best Local SEO Resources for 2020

It’s that time again: time to head into the new year, and time to think about how to make 2020 a great year for your clients. Or your own business, if you’re one of our SMB readers. Which is why it’s time to dive into this year’s best local SEO resources. Get ready to do some bookmarking, because 2019 brought us lots of great stuff.

2020 28
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Customer Communities Are Buzzing, But Should Your Brand Invest In One?

Forrester's Customer Insights

This year, we’ve seen an uptick in client and industry interest in customer communities. Marketers want to build authentic and lasting relationships with customers who are more and more likely to experiment and less and less likely to trust traditional advertising. The concept of community management isn’t anything new — we’ve been writing about it […].

Brands 26
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Why we should talk about the Right Experience

Hello Customer

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FORRward: A Weekly Read For Tech And Marketing Execs

Forrester's Customer Insights

Product Security Takes Center Stage As Attackers Livestream Ring Devices Harassing Users. The astronomical success of Ring opt-in surveillance products took a dark turn over the last week when attackers began reusing credentials to gain access to the devices and harass families. The devices themselves were not compromised, instead attackers reused passwords from accounts without […].

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11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption

Unlock the full potential of your educational initiatives with the 11 Tips to Drive Learning Content Consumption eBook. You’ll uncover: Why measure content consumption rather than (or in addition to) completion rates and member satisfaction? What are some proven tactics to create quality learner content and raise your content consumption rates? Discover the secrets from leading experts in the field, distilled into practical tips that promise to elevate the quality of your educational offerings,